SFB 1187 ›Medien der Kooperation‹ an der Universität Siegen
Gestaltungslabor – Session 6: “Ethnographic data: From the office to the field and vice versa II”
Wednesday, 05. July 2017, 13:00-14:30 Uhr Organisiert Teilprojekt INF

MODULE 3 “Ethnographic data: From the office to the field and vice versa.”

This module will examine the ethnographic data life cycle, all along the intertwined research phases of data collection to analysis (and back), making explicit the challenges that researchers face in the various steps. The crucial and invisible work of anonymization and data storage will be explored, highlighting techniques and strategies that enable a more conscious and reflective way of dealing adequately with qualitative data.

  • Sub-session 3.1 (21st of June): Digital Fieldwork: Collecting empirical material with digital tools
  • Sub-session 3.2 (5th of July): In-between data collection and analysis: Transcribing, anonymizing, storing sensitive data material

The Research Tech Lab, coordinated by sub-projects INF and A05, is an open forum for exchange for all members of the SFB 1187. In the Research Tech Lab, we explore, discuss, and design digital research approaches, tools, and instruments. The basic assumption of the Research Tech Lab is that IT design takes place in everyday use and involves the continuous appropriation of (digital) methods, tools, instruments, and infrastructures. “Design” is an important part of daily research practices in many ways. The Research Tech Lab thus calls for participation of all sub-projects. Based on a ‚Living Lab‘ approach, the sub-projects are given the opportunity to discuss, analyze, and reflect their experiences with research tools and infrastructures.

The Research Tech Lab takes place every two weeks during the semester. Additional room for further exchange and discussion is provided online on the SFB Intranet: http://social.sfb1187.uni-siegen.de/ (under construction, accounts available on request)


Universität Siegen
Campus Herrengarten
Raum AH 228
Herrengarten 3
57072 Siegen