
Wed. 24. April 2024, 2:15pm – 3:45pm Uhr
Research Forum: Shadan Sadeghian/Kristof Van Laerhoven (P05) & Tahereh Aboofazeli (MGK)
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24. April 2024 , 2:15pm – 3:45pm Uhr — Permalink

14:15 – 15:00

Kristof van Laerhoven und Shadan Sadhegian (P05)

Soziale Interaktion im semi-automatisierten Straßenverkehr


15:00 – 15:45

Tahereh Aboofazeli (MGK)

A multimodal collective auto-ethnography by female carpet weavers in Iran




Universität Siegen
AH-A 217/18
Herrengarten 3
Wed. 24. April 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
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24. April 2024 , 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr — Permalink

Themen können über die Statusvertretungen in die Vorstandssitzungen bis zu zwei Wochen vor der Sitzung eingebracht werden. Einladungen mit TOPs werden zwei Wochen vorher verschickt. Förderanträge müssen mind. 2 Wochen vorher über die Koordination (siehe Kevin Onland) inkl. Begründung, Kostenvoranschlag bzw. detailierte Kostenaufstellung und Programm eingereicht werden. Die Vorstandssitzungen enthalten Berichte, Themenpunkte und Verschiedenes, die für alle SFB Mitglieder öffentlich sind. Personenbezogene Anträge und Finanzen sind nicht öffentlich und werden nach dem öffentlichen Teil besprochen. Webex-Links für Online-Teilnahmen werden am vorherigen Freitag verschickt. Teilnahme vor Ort ist möglich. Digitale Protokolle des öffentlichen Teils werden über das Intranet/sciebo zur Verfügung gestellt.


Universität Siegen
Campus Herrengarten
AH-A 228
Herrengarten 3
57072 Siegen


wissenschaftliche Koordination
Kevin Onland
Mon. 15. April 2024 - Tue. 16. April 2024
Mehr erfahren
15. April 2024 - 16. April 2024 — Permalink

Die Klausurtagung findet statt am 15. und 16. April 2024 am Campus Unteres Schloss in Siegen.


Universität Siegen
Campus Unteres Schloss
US-S 001 / 002
Obergraben 25


Dr. Karina Kirsten
Telefon: 02717405252
Fri. 12. April 2024 - Sun. 14. April 2024
Klimagerechtigkeit und antifaschistische Zukünfte – eine Spring School für Aktivismus und Wissenschaft
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12. April 2024 - 14. April 2024 — Permalink

In Europa und darüber hinaus werden nur unzureichend politische Maßnahmen gegen die Klimakatastrophe, das massive Artensterben sowie die globale Vermüllung unternommen. In jüngster Zeit werden selbst solche Vereinbarungen und Maßnahmen noch aufgeweicht und untergraben. Diese Dynamik fällt mit dem Aufstieg rechter und rechtsextremer Kräfte zusammen, deren rassistische, antifeministische und LGBTIQ*-feindliche Politik auch verstärkt an der Delegitimierung und Diffamierung des Engagements für Klimagerechtigkeit arbeitet. Die Bedrohung einer pluralistischen Demokratie und unserer planetaren Lebensgrundlagen sind miteinander verschränkt. Beide werden durch Medienereignisse und -strategien katalysiert.

Vor dem Hintergrund dieser besorgniserregenden Entwicklungen wollen wir auch als (Medien-)Wissenschaftler:innen aktiv werden. Wir laden Klimaaktivist:innen, Wissenschaftler:innen und Journalist:innen und andere Interessierte zu einem gemeinsamen Wochenende ein, an dem wir uns dem kollaborativen Forschen und  kollektiven Organisieren widmen. Ziel ist es Koalitionen zwischen Wissenschaft, Journalismus und Aktivismus zu bilden und nachhaltige Strategien der Zusammenarbeit zu entwickeln. In mehreren Workshops, widmen wir uns u.a. der Delegitimierung von Klimapolitik und –aktivismus, den Strategien von Klimaklagen sowie der Medienarbeit von Wissenschaftler:innen und Aktivist:innen.

Datum: Freitag, 12.4.2024 bis Sonntag, 14.4.2024

Ort: Bochum

Genaue Informationen und ein detailliertes Programm werden den Teilnehmenden nach Anmeldung zugesendet.

Anmeldung bitte bis zum 15.03.2024 unter

Für Fragen und Unterstützung bei Reisekosten und Unterbringung schreibt uns bitte unter:

Die Teilnahme steht allen offen,  Studierende sind ebenso willkommen wie erfahrenere (Medien-)Wissenschaftler:innen, Journalist:innen, Aktivist:innen, Künstler:innen oder einfach nur am Thema Interessierten. Die Arbeitssprachen sind Englisch und Deutsch.


Weitere Informationen zu Hintergrund und Research-Tracks sind hier zu finden:
Das detaillierte Programm ist hier zu finden:
Wed. 10. April 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Mehr erfahren
10. April 2024 , 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr — Permalink

Das Onboarding findet online statt.


SFB 1187 “Medien der Kooperation” | wissenschaftliche Koordination
Karina Kirsten
Wed. 20. March 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Technikschulung für Hilfskräfte: Einführung in das technische Setup hybrider Veranstaltungen
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20. March 2024 , 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr — Permalink

Die Schulung führt in das technische Setup inkl. OSX, Webex, Mikrofoninierung und Präsentationsmodi für hybride Veranstaltungen (v.a. Ringvorlesungen, Tagungen) ein, die am Herrengarten (insb. in 217/218) oder US-C stattfinden. Für den Herrengarten liegt der Fokus zudem auf das noch bestehende Setup der Conference-Owl.


Universität Siegen
Campus Unteres Schloss
US-C 109


Dr. Karina Kirsten
Telefon: +49 (0)271 740 5252
Fri. 08. March 2024, 09:45 - 18:00 Uhr
Tagung "Mediensozialisation, künstliche Intelligenz und smarte Umgebungen"
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08. March 2024 , 09:45 - 18:00 Uhr — Permalink
Tagung anlässlich des 60. Geburtstags von Dagmar Hoffmann

Die Tagung findet am 8. MÄRZ am OBERGRABEN 25, 57072 SIEGEN (Gebäude
US-S) statt. Um 9:45 fängt die Veranstaltung an, ab 9:15 sind die Türen
offen. Um etwa 18 Uhr beginnt der informelle Teil der Veranstaltung.

WICHTIG: Wer teilnehmen möchte, meldet sich bitte bis zum 1. März
bei Laura Sūna (LAURA.SUNA@UNI-SIEGEN.DE) an. Bitte angeben, ob an der
gesamten Veranstaltung oder nur teilweise teilgenommen wird.


Wed. 31. January 2024, 15:15 - 16:15 Uhr
Forschungsforum: Johannes Schick
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31. January 2024 , 15:15 - 16:15 Uhr — Permalink

15:15 – 16:15 Uhr

Johannes Schick (Universität Siegen)

The Category Project of the Durkheim School


Universität Siegen
Campus Herrengarten
AH-A 217/18
Wed. 31. January 2024, 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Ringvorlesung „Crises, Sensing and Sensemaking“: Christelle Gramaglia (Montpellier): Anthropology and/as Citizen Science III: Collaborative Sensing of Industrial Pollution in the Gulf of Fos (Marseille) - A Return to Common Sense?
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31. January 2024 , 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr — Permalink

Christelle Gramaglia (Montpellier): Anthropology and/as Citizen Science III: Collaborative Sensing of Industrial Pollution in the Gulf of Fos (Marseille) – A Return to Common Sense?

All lectures take place in Cologne and also online.

This Lecture Series explores dynamics of sensing and sense making, and thus takes up a topic that is at the center of interdisciplinary work at the CRC “Media of Cooperation” (Siegen/Cologne). At the same time, it introduces the research of the CRC to researchers at the University of Cologne and various international working groups in and on the Mediterranean by using the well-established “60 Minutes” in Ethnography, Theory, Anthropology as a forum.

The increasing spread of sensor technologies and the equipping of smart devices with sensors restructures forms of perception, sensing and knowledge making. Sensors measure movements in the city, record air quality, temperatures and energy consumption, control production and logistics processes in interaction with algorithms and learning systems, track the behavior and well-being of people, recognize people in images and video recordings or re-organize (digital) terrains. Sensor data, their collection, analysis, and integration with other data formats, and their interaction with various forms of practice are constitutive not only of sensing, but also of sense making.

In this series of talks, we are interested in forms of sensing and sense making vis-à-vis major dynamics of socio-political and environmental crises in and beyond the Mediterranean, in particular (1) mobility and related border regimes, (2) growing environmental crises and their (non)management, and (3) forms of social mobilization (activism) and their control. All three areas are characterized by specific forms of socio-technical sensing and the engagement with it – sense making, both distributed among multiple actors, including humans, machines, and the environment itself. Sensor media are becoming increasingly ubiquitous, and come with a number of ethical and political challenges – such as the erosion of privacy, new forms of surveillance, and socio-technical proliferation of prejudices and various forms of bias. Often they are perceived as both – as drivers of, but also as possible solutions for different forms of social, political, technical and environmental crises.

In this lecture series, Sensing and Sense Making will be explored praxeologically – and thus in its various forms and formats. Part I will investigate forms of sense making in the context of deadly borders regimes, in hazardous environments and as part of social activism. Part II will look at the challenges and opportunities of ethnographic research and public interventions to engage with situations of crises and collaborative knowledge production.

Organized by Nina ter Laan, Carla Tiefenbacher and Martin Zillinger for the CRC “Media of Cooperation” Siegen/Cologne and the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology (DoSCA), University of Cologne.

Wed. 17. January 2024, 15:15 - 16:15 Uhr
Forschungsforum: Kick-off der 3. SFB Förderphase
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17. January 2024 , 15:15 - 16:15 Uhr — Permalink

15:15 – 16:15 Uhr





Universität Siegen
Campus Herrengarten
AH-A 217/18
Wed. 17. January 2024, 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Ringvorlesung „Crises, Sensing and Sensemaking“: Erella Grassiani (Amsterdam): Anthropology and/as Citizen Science II The Tree as Weapon: (non) state securitization of trees in the Negev/Naqab
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17. January 2024 , 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr — Permalink

Erella Grassiani (Amsterdam): Anthropology and/as Citizen Science II The Tree as Weapon: (non) state securitization of trees in the Negev/Naqab

All lectures take place in Cologne and also online.

This Lecture Series explores dynamics of sensing and sense making, and thus takes up a topic that is at the center of interdisciplinary work at the CRC “Media of Cooperation” (Siegen/Cologne). At the same time, it introduces the research of the CRC to researchers at the University of Cologne and various international working groups in and on the Mediterranean by using the well-established “60 Minutes” in Ethnography, Theory, Anthropology as a forum.

The increasing spread of sensor technologies and the equipping of smart devices with sensors restructures forms of perception, sensing and knowledge making. Sensors measure movements in the city, record air quality, temperatures and energy consumption, control production and logistics processes in interaction with algorithms and learning systems, track the behavior and well-being of people, recognize people in images and video recordings or re-organize (digital) terrains. Sensor data, their collection, analysis, and integration with other data formats, and their interaction with various forms of practice are constitutive not only of sensing, but also of sense making.

In this series of talks, we are interested in forms of sensing and sense making vis-à-vis major dynamics of socio-political and environmental crises in and beyond the Mediterranean, in particular (1) mobility and related border regimes, (2) growing environmental crises and their (non)management, and (3) forms of social mobilization (activism) and their control. All three areas are characterized by specific forms of socio-technical sensing and the engagement with it – sense making, both distributed among multiple actors, including humans, machines, and the environment itself. Sensor media are becoming increasingly ubiquitous, and come with a number of ethical and political challenges – such as the erosion of privacy, new forms of surveillance, and socio-technical proliferation of prejudices and various forms of bias. Often they are perceived as both – as drivers of, but also as possible solutions for different forms of social, political, technical and environmental crises.

In this lecture series, Sensing and Sense Making will be explored praxeologically – and thus in its various forms and formats. Part I will investigate forms of sense making in the context of deadly borders regimes, in hazardous environments and as part of social activism. Part II will look at the challenges and opportunities of ethnographic research and public interventions to engage with situations of crises and collaborative knowledge production.

Organized by Nina ter Laan, Carla Tiefenbacher and Martin Zillinger for the CRC “Media of Cooperation” Siegen/Cologne and the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology (DoSCA), University of Cologne.

Wed. 17. January 2024, 10:15 - 11:45 Uhr
Werkstatt Media Praxis Theory - „From Apps to AI: Mapping Ecologies of Interface Proliferation“ - Workshop von Michael Dieter (University of Warwick)
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17. January 2024 , 10:15 - 11:45 Uhr — Permalink

In my presentation based on recent theoretical work, I offer a navigational matrix for interface critique based on three orientations: identifying traps and enclosures, surfacing asymmetries and augmenting alternatives. Aiming to bridge a range of practices and conceptual contributions from HCI, media art, vernacular critique and practitioner-based design, this framework nevertheless is elaborated mainly in terms of experiments with the specific design-abilities of apps, social media platform infrastructures and the web.

This workshop invites participants to consider how this conceptual matrix, along with related work in the interdisciplinary field of interface critique, can be extended and refined through exploration of other forms of interface relation, including, for example, idioms of voice interfaces, capture of gestures, conversational design of chatbots, immersion of virtual and augmented reality consumer devices, and onto-epistemologies of environmental sensors, among others. What are the changing stakes for testing user-experience design as it proliferates into settings of urban design, healthcare, automobiles, money or the cognitive assemblages of machine-learning systems? How have forms of criticism and critique been elaborated in such contexts? What (extra)disciplinary forms of expertise are mobilized, and what kinds of collective critical knowledge, concepts and methods might be established in support of new common literacies, technologies and infrastructures?

Michael Dieter will be in Siegen

Register here*


*As the workshop is an internal event, external guests please contact Dr. Johannes Schick by email for registration, indicating their academic title, full name, their institution, their official email address and the title of the event they wish to attend.


Universität Siegen
Campus Herrengarten
AH-A 217/218
Herrengarten 3
57072 Siegen


Register here

Verwandte Dateien


SFB 1187 „Medien der Kooperation“
Dr. Johannes Schick
Tue. 16. January 2024, 18:15 - 19:45 Uhr
Werkstatt Medienpraxis Theorie - „Interface Critique at Large“ - Vortrag von Michael Dieter (University of Warwick)
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16. January 2024 , 18:15 - 19:45 Uhr — Permalink

This talk will discuss how to understand the role of critique in relation to the increasing proliferation of interfaces across everyday life from apps to sensors. While theorizations of interface critique can be readily be found in HCI proposals such as reflexive design or humanistic HCI, or broadly within the interdisciplinary field of media art, these cases are not always considered within broader ecologies of practice or ‚critical technical cultures‘ from industry practitioners to vernacular subcultures that also grapple with the asymmetries and exploitative aspects of interaction design.

Drawing from software studies and media theoretical accounts of the interface as a techno-fluid milieu, I offer a navigational matrix to contextualize modes of interface critique at large, namely specifying traps and enclosures, surfacing asymmetries and augmenting alternatives. I argue that these orientations provide an invitation to develop new metacritical theories and common capacities, particularly through the possibilities of grappling with systems of domination otherwise built to prefigure our experiences of them.

Michael Dieter will be in Siegen.

Register here


Universität Siegen
Campus Herrengarten
AH-A 217/218
Herrengarten 3
57072 Siegen


SFB 1187 „Medien der Kooperation“
Dr. Johannes Schick
Wed. 10. January 2024, 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Ringvorlesung „Crises, Sensing and Sensemaking“: Frances Pope (Birmingham): Anthropology and/as Citizen Science I: Air of the Anthropocene
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10. January 2024 , 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr — Permalink

Frances Pope (Birmingham): Anthropology and/as Citizen Science I: Air of the Anthropocene

All lectures take place in Cologne and also online.

This Lecture Series explores dynamics of sensing and sense making, and thus takes up a topic that is at the center of interdisciplinary work at the CRC “Media of Cooperation” (Siegen/Cologne). At the same time, it introduces the research of the CRC to researchers at the University of Cologne and various international working groups in and on the Mediterranean by using the well-established “60 Minutes” in Ethnography, Theory, Anthropology as a forum.

The increasing spread of sensor technologies and the equipping of smart devices with sensors restructures forms of perception, sensing and knowledge making. Sensors measure movements in the city, record air quality, temperatures and energy consumption, control production and logistics processes in interaction with algorithms and learning systems, track the behavior and well-being of people, recognize people in images and video recordings or re-organize (digital) terrains. Sensor data, their collection, analysis, and integration with other data formats, and their interaction with various forms of practice are constitutive not only of sensing, but also of sense making.

In this series of talks, we are interested in forms of sensing and sense making vis-à-vis major dynamics of socio-political and environmental crises in and beyond the Mediterranean, in particular (1) mobility and related border regimes, (2) growing environmental crises and their (non)management, and (3) forms of social mobilization (activism) and their control. All three areas are characterized by specific forms of socio-technical sensing and the engagement with it – sense making, both distributed among multiple actors, including humans, machines, and the environment itself. Sensor media are becoming increasingly ubiquitous, and come with a number of ethical and political challenges – such as the erosion of privacy, new forms of surveillance, and socio-technical proliferation of prejudices and various forms of bias. Often they are perceived as both – as drivers of, but also as possible solutions for different forms of social, political, technical and environmental crises.

In this lecture series, Sensing and Sense Making will be explored praxeologically – and thus in its various forms and formats. Part I will investigate forms of sense making in the context of deadly borders regimes, in hazardous environments and as part of social activism. Part II will look at the challenges and opportunities of ethnographic research and public interventions to engage with situations of crises and collaborative knowledge production.

Organized by Nina ter Laan, Carla Tiefenbacher and Martin Zillinger for the CRC “Media of Cooperation” Siegen/Cologne and the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology (DoSCA), University of Cologne.

Wed. 13. December 2023, 14:15 - 16:15 Uhr
Forschungsforum: tba & Yijun Sun (MGK)
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13. December 2023 , 14:15 - 16:15 Uhr — Permalink

14:15 – 15:15 Uhr



15:15 – 16:15 Uhr

Yijun Sun (MGK) (Universität Siegen)

The Invention of Electronic Visuality: From Vacuum Tube to Computer Screen  (online)


Universität Siegen
Campus Herrengarten
AH-A 217/18