Jahrestagung 2025

The Datafied Web

RESAW 2025

➞ Conference website

June 4–6, 2025

University of Siegen
Campus US-S
Obergraben 25
57072 Siegen



Do you remember the early web counters of the 1990s, marking the pulse of online activity and paving the way for today’s data-driven internet? Tools like Webtrends, Urchin, and DoubleClick were the pioneers of web metrics and analytics that transformed how we interact with the web.

The 6th RESAW Conference, themed “The Datafied Web” invites scholars, researchers, and web archivists to explore the historical roots and trajectories of the data-driven web. Topics include the evolution of web metrics, analytics tools, APIs, and platform ecosystems, as well as the history of tracking, data surveillance, and the controversies surrounding web datafication.

We also aim to discuss innovative research methods for web archives and delve into how datafication has shaped online interactions, public spheres, and media environments.

Join us at RESAW 2025 to uncover the history, debates, and future of The Datafied Web!


ProgramRegistration | Conference WebsiteOrganizers | About


For the detailed program, please see the conference website.

Main conference language will be English.



Registration for the RESAW conference will be possible from March via the conference website. A fee of 90€ for advanced scholars and 50€ for PhD students will be charged for attending the conference.

If you have any questions about participation in advance, please contact the organizers via email at RESAW25-datafiedweb@uni-siegen.de.


Conference Website

For more information, a detailed program and further materials, see: https://www.mediacoop.uni-siegen.de/datafiedweb 



Local Organizers

Marcus Burkhardt, CRC, Siegen University, GE
Carolin Gerlitz, Media Studies, Speaker CRC Media of Cooperation (DFG), Siegen University, GE
Sebastian Gießmann, CRC, Siegen University, GE
Valérie Schafer, C²DH, University of Luxembourg, LU
Inga Schuppener, CRC, Siegen University, GE
Dominik Schrey, CRC, Siegen University, GE
Tatjana Seitz, CRC, Siegen University, GE
Robert Tipping, CRC, Siegen University, GE
Katharina Zimmer-Lachmann, CRC, Siegen University, GE

RESAW Conference Committee

Niels Brügger, Aarhus University (organiser 2015)
Jane Winters, University of London (organiser 2017)
Anne Helmond, Utrecht University (organiser 2019)
Valérie Schafer, C²DH, University of Luxembourg (organiser 2021)
Sophie Gebeil, Aix-Marseille University, (organiser 2023)
Susan Aasman, University of Groningen (coming organizer 2027)

RESAW 2025 Programme Committee

Susan Aasman, University of Groningen, NL 
Gabriele Balbi, USI, Lugano, SW
Miglé Bareikyte, Frankfurt/Oder, GER
Anat Ben David, The Open University of Israel, IL
Emmanuelle Bermès, École des Chartes, FR
Nicola Bingham, British Library, IIPC, UK
Paolo Bory, Politecnico di Milano, IT
Niels Brügger, Aarhus University, DK
Marcus Burkhardt, CRC, Siegen University, GE
Beatrice Cannelli, University of London, UK
Frédéric Clavert, C2DH, University of Luxembourg, LU
Sophie Gebeil, Aix-Marseille University, FR
Friedel Geeraert, Royal Library of Belgium, BE
Sebastian Gießmann, CRC, Siegen University, GE

Anne Helmond, Utrecht University, NL
Emily Maemura, University of Toronto, CA
Ian Milligan, University of Waterloo, FR
Carmen Noguera, C2DH, University of Luxembourg, LU
Johannes Paßmann, University of Bochum, GER
Sebastian Randerath, Bonn University, GE
Marcus Rommel, CRC, Siegen University, GE
Valérie Schafer, C2DH, University of Luxembourg, LU
Inga Schuppener, CRC, Siegen University
Tatjana Seitz, CRC, Siegen University, GE
Yarden Skop, CRC, Siegen University, GE
Helle Strandgaard Jensen, Aarhus University, DK
Fernando van der Vlist, University of Amsterdam, NL
Jane Winters, University of London, UK


About the 2025 RESAW Conference

RESAW, a Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials, is a community established in 2012, aiming at promoting a collaborative European research infrastructure for the study of archived web materials.

In the Spring of 2016 the RESAW community served as the basis for the preparation of an application to EU’s Horizon 2020 funding scheme. The community activities are coordinated by Niels Brügger (Aarhus University, NetLab & the Centre for Internet Studies), but they rely on a high degree of self-organising and self-financing; in the main activities are based on the initiative of the participants, but some general activities (website, etc.) is taken care of by the coordinator. See official RESAW Website.

The 2025 RESAW conference is organized by the Collaborative Research Centre 1187 “Media of Cooperation” at the University of Siegen in cooperation with the Centre for for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) at the University of Luxembourg. The conference is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR).


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