Jahrestagung 2021
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About the Conference
Recalling Jean Lave’s and Etienne Wenger’s concept of ‘Situated Learning’, this year’s annual conference calls for critical reflection on how today’s digital media are re-situating the conditions that shape learning as cooperative practice.
The year 2021 marks the 30th anniversary of the original publication of Jean Lave’s and Etienne Wenger’s seminal book “Situated Learning”. Digital media have since transformed the parameters of communal practice and participation. In many cases, learning in/as social practice has been re-situated to settings that are infrastructurally stabilized, yet locally and socially distributed; establishing new communities of practice that are themselves characterized by ephemerality and fluidity as fragmented, graduated, and networked publics. Taking this transformation as a starting point, this year’s annual conference of the collaborative research center “Media of Cooperation” will reexamine the relations between learning and digital media from various angles.
The conference takes place online from the 25th to 29th of October. It is organized around a series of thematically-oriented panels and keynotes. On Monday we open the conference with an evening event: Jean Lave will give a keynote on „Re-Situating Learning: Historical/Political Dis/Unities of Practice“. The following days are structured into four thematic panels around the topics „Intercorporeality and Learning“ (Keynote: Thomas Alkemeyer), „Decolonizing Learning, Rethinking Research“ (Keynote: Koen Leurs), „Cross-Community Learning“ (Keynote: Gerhard Fischer) and „Human-Machine-Learning“ (Keynote: Mercedes Bunz).
For the detailed program, please see the conference website.
Main conference language will be English.
Attendance of the conference is free of charge. The conference is a virtual event hosted using the Zoom video-conferencing service. To register your attendance and receive the access link, please write an email to: annualconference2021[æt]sfb1187.uni-siegen.de
Conference Website
For more information, a detailed program and further materials, see: www.resituating-learning.mediacoop.uni-siegen.de
Concept and organization: Konstantin Aal, Hendrik Bender, Marcus Burkhardt, Tanja Ertl, Susanne Förster, Philippa Hare, Sam Hind, Timo Kaerlein, Max Kanderske, Karina Kirsten, Claudia Müller, Markus Rohde, Fernando van der Vlist, Anne Weibert, Jutta Wiesemann, Martin Zillinger