Two winter lecture series about politics

This winter term, we have two lecture series at the CRC 1187 “Media of Cooperation” dealing both with the political dimensions of research.

The first lecture series addresses “Politics of Data – Politics of Semi-Autonomy”. Our invited guests will discuss concepts that critically address the ongoing crises of the digital age (e.g. information, climate, resources, discrimination), e.g. Aesthetics & Evidence, Critique and Imagineries, (Data) Governance and Activism, (Interactive/value-sensitive) Design and Decolonialism. Even though all of these concepts deserve a lecture series on their own, we chose to have for each of these topics one lecture in order to create a kaleidoscopic and interdisciplinary perspective on what critical practices and future “Politics of Data and Semi-Autonomy” can look like.

The lecture series “Politics of Data – Politics of Semi-Autonomy” takes place as a hybrid event Wednesday from 2 to 4 pm c.t.. You can join online by registering here. Lectures:

23|11|22 – Investigative Aesthetics with Matthew Fuller
7|12|22 – Sensing Machines with Chris Salter
18|1|23 – Politics of Data – Politics of Semi-Autonomy with Orit Halpern
31|1|23 – Hacking into Aesthetics and Politics of (AI-)Avatarization and algorithmic facialitiy with

In view of the current political situation, especially the war in Ukraine and the protest movement in Iran, the second lecture series “Research at Risk!” is an invitation to discuss the challenges of research in media, theater and cultural studies in crises and war regions beyond national and cultural boundaries. How can research, education and studies be carried out under hostile conditions and what influence do war, political oppression, diaspora and other crisis-related impacts have on the production of knowledge? We invited experts from various disciplinary and geo-political situations/positions to discuss research practices in war and crises as well as on scientific/activist work on war and crises.

This lecture series is a continuation of an initiative from within German Media Studies to support scholars at risk affected by the ongoing Russian invasion on Ukraine and a cooperation between the CRC 1187 “Media of Cooperation”, the CRC 1472 “Trans­for­ma­ti­o­nen des Popu­lä­ren“ and the Media Studies department at the University of Siegen, the Graduiertenkolleg 2132 “Das Dokumentarische” and the Faculty for Philology at Ruhr University Bochum, and the European Media Studies at the University Flensburg. The lecture series is an online event. Guests are welcome to register via Mail ‘Send an E-mail