Aid and support for Ukraine

The CRC “Media of Cooperation” condemns Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

We are deeply concerned for and stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, fellow academics, our colleagues, students, their friends and families. Further, we express our solidarity and respect for all people in and beyond Russia who are resisting and are being subjected to severe repressive measures by the regime.

“The Russian attack on Ukraine is profoundly shocking and our thoughts are with all the people affected by it. They have our solidarity and support. The university and the academic communities offer a series of support services in which we as researchers can participate”, says Prof. Dr. Carolin Gerlitz, deputy speaker of the CRC.

In line with the statement of the German Society for Media Studies (Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft e. V.), the CRC is convinced that universities and research are and must remain characterized by international exchange and cooperation. Therefore, support cannot be subject to any national exclusions.

The board of the German Society for Media Studies shares a list of aid and support programs, compiled by the society’s Commission for Good Work in Research (Kommission für gute Arbeit in der Wissenschaft), supports the working group “AK Ukraine und Flucht” as well as the statement of the “AG Gender / Queer Studies und Medienwissenschaft”.

Below we share links to above mentioned initiatives as well as links to statements and support by other institutions.


University Siegen

Official statement “Solidarität mit der Ukraine“ of Rector and Chancellor of the University Siegen including links to support systems within the University Siegen


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Overview of all statements an information released by the DFG

Information for researchers No. 17 (3 March 2022): “Geflüchtete Forschende: DFG weitet Unterstützung aus” and further information and support for “Geflüchtete Forschende” (DE) and “Refugee Researchers: DFG Expands Support” and further information and support for “Refugee Researchers” (EN)

Statement “Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: solidarity with partners in Ukraine – consequences for science and the humanities” of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany


German Society for Media Studies (Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft e. V.)

Official statement “Krieg in der Ukraine: Hilfsprogramme für Wissenschaftler:innen in Not” of the board of the German Society for Media Studies (Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft e. V.) and list of aid and support programs (for academics, students, artists, journalists)

Statement “Solidarity networks in the war against Ukraine” of the “AG Gender / Queer Studies und Medienwissenschaft”

Working group “AK Ukraine und Flucht”, an initiative established out of the society’s Commission for Good Work in Research (Kommission für gute Arbeit in der Wissenschaft). More info on the initiative can be found here (in: DE / EN / UK / RU). For support, joining and sharing of information: akukraineflucht[æt] and Email list: ak-flucht-und-ukraine[æt]


FG DeKolonial e.V.

Statement “United Against All Wars! For an Intersectional and Global Solidarity” of FG DeKolonial e.V. (Association for antiracist, decolonial, and postcolonial thought and practice / Fachgesellschaft für rassismuskritische, dekoloniale und postkoloniale Theorie und Praxis)