Van Geenen, Daniela, M.A.
A03 und MGK Wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterinResearch
12 2018 - 11 2019 Affiliated researcher at the Datafied Society research platform (Utrecht University, Institute for Cultural Inquiry), amongst other projects working on the Gephi “Fieldnotes Plugin”, in collaboration with the Digital Humanities Lab (see publications).
11 2015 - 08 2018 Junior researcher at the Quality Journalism in Digital Transition research group (shortened: Journalism Lab), a.o. contributing to a
funding application for the study of artificial intelligence and automation in journalistic research practices (SiaRAAK, NWO funding for applied research).
01 2014 - 08 2015 Junior researcher at the Utrecht Data School and later the Datafied Society research platform (both Utrecht University)
09 2013 - 01 2014 MA student researcher at the Utrecht Data School, conducting research on behalf of the Rathenau Institute in The Hague (see here for their report in Dutch referencing our project).
Extracurricular and additional academic activities
Regular courses and teaching, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. Communication and Journalism Department: Coordinator and lecturer Module Data Visualization & Infographics, September 2016 to date.
Lecturer Journalistic Research, Data Journalism and Storytelling, September 2017 to date.
University of Applied Sciences Zuyd, Communication and Multimedia Design: Lecturer Data Visualization in Module Data Visualization & Infographics, February to April 2016 and 2017.
Utrecht University, Media and Culture Department: Lecturer Inleiding Nieuwe Media (Introduction to New Media), BA seminars, February to April 2018.
Junior teacher Digitale Data-analyse (Digital Data Analysis), BA lectures and seminars, November 2014 to January 2015.
Teaching assistant/junior teacher Utrecht Data School from February, 2014 to August, 2015 (a.o. Masterclass Data Journalism, February to April 2014).
Guest lectures and masterclasses
Utrecht University:
Masterclass “(Social) Network Analysis with Gephi”, in Practicum of the MA Media, Data & Society (Lecturer: Tim de Winkel), December 22, 2017.
Masterclass “Digital Humanities and Methods”, in the GEMMA course Digital Humanities in Intersectional Research: Power, Discourses and Data Analysis (Lecturer: Magdalena Górska), February 17, 2017.
Guest lecture on research of Facebook as a “space for participation”, as part of the BA course Participatiecultuur (Participatory Culture; Lecturer: Asher Boersma), March 16, 2015.
University of Amsterdam:
Guest lecture „Data research is ‘fun’, but be aware of the ghost in the machine” in the Research Master methods course “Big Data and Automated Content analysis” (Lecturer: Damian Trilling), April 2, 2014.
Professional Experience
11 - 12 2015 Co-organization of an Open Data Seminar on “Stadsbeleving” (the experience of the city and ways of recording it) in Utrecht together with SETUP Media Lab (Tom van de Wetering and Danielle Arets) at the city hall (December 10, 2015).
09 2015 - 05 2016 Project Management Mr. Beam, Projection Art Mapping Studio.
05 2014 - 08 2015 Project Management Utrecht Data School (Utrecht University).
11 2020 - 02 2021 Co-organization of the CRC “Interrogating Data Practices” Lecture Series.
10 2019 - 01 2020 Co-organization of the CRC “Data Ethnography” Lecture Series.
04 - 08 06 2018 Participation in a writing seminar on Lesbos in preparation of the edited volume Data Visualization in Society (Engebretsen and Kennedy, 2020; see publications).
Digital Methods Summer School 2017 (University of Amsterdam), “Methods Maps: Visualising Automation” (Gerlitz et al., 2017).
Digital Methods Winter School 2014 (University of Amsterdam), “Zwarte Piet: a Facebook/social media re-view of the 2013 debate” (Trilling et al., 2014).
07 - 09 2016, 12 2016 - 01 2017 Qualitative media analysis of newspapers in a political science study on the coverage of homosexuality and sex work in the Netherlands, on behalf of Dr. Eva-Maria Euchner, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, for her book Morality Politics in a Secular Age Strategic Parties and Divided Governments in Europe (Euchner, 2019).
Special Issue
Van Geenen, D., Van Es, K., and Gray, J. (2024). “Critical Technical Practice(s) in Digital Culture”. In Convergence: The International Journal of
Research into New Media Technologies 30(1). URL:
Edited Volume
Burkhardt, Marcus, Daniela van Geenen, Carolin Gerlitz, Sam Hind, Timo Kaerlein, Danny Lämmerhirt, und Axel Volmar (Eds.) (2022). Interrogating Datafication. Towards a Praxeology of Data. Bielefeld: transcript.
Book chapters
Van Geenen, D., and Kaerlein, T. (2022). "Modalitäten von Kritik in Praktiken des Urban Sensing." In A. Beinsteiner, N. Grünberger, T. Hug, and S. Kapelari (Eds.), Ökologische Krisen und Ökologien der Kritik. S.89-108. Innsbruck University Press.
Van Geenen, D. (2020). "Critical Affordance Analysis for Digital Methods: The Case of Gephi." In M. Burkhardt, M. Shnayien, & K. Grashöfer (Eds.), Explorations in Digital Cultures. Lüneburg: meson press.
Van Geenen, D. and M. Wieringa. (2020). "Approaching Data Visualizations as Interfaces: An Empirical Demonstration of How Data Are Imag(in)ed." In M. Engebretsen and H. Kennedy, (Eds.), Data Visualization in Society (Chapt. 9, pp. 141-156). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Wieringa, M., van Geenen, D., van Es, K., and J. van Nuss. (2019). "The Field Notes Plugin: Making Network Visualization in Gephi Accountable." In A. Daly, K. Devitt and M. Mann. Good Data. INC Theory on Demand.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Van Geenen, D., Gray, J. W. Y., Bounegru, L., Venturini, T., Jacomy, M., and Meunier, A. (2023). "Staying with the trouble of networks." Frontiers in Big Data 5: 510310.
Van Geenen, D., and Kinder-Kurlanda, K. (2022). Meeting report: "Re-thinking/ re-configuring participation." Conference, 2021 (online). TATuP - Zeitschrift Für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie Und Praxis 31(1): 62–63.
Wieringa, M., Geenen, D. van, Schäfer, M.T., and L. Gorzeman. (2018). "Political Topic-Communities and Their Framing Practices in the Dutch Twittersphere. An Empirical and Media-Critical Contribution to Understanding Ideological Homophily." Internet Policy Review 7(2). DOI: 10.14763/2018.2.793.
Es, K. van, Geenen, D. van, and T. Boeschoten. (2015). "Re-imagining Television Audience Research: Tracing Viewing Patterns on Twitter." M/C Journal 18(6).
Es, K. van, Geenen, D. van, and T. Boeschoten. (2014)." Mediating the Black Pete Discussion on Facebook: Slacktivism, flaming wars, and deliberation." First Monday 19(12).
Conference paper
Geenen, D. van, Schäfer, M. T., Boeschoten, T., Hekman, E., Bakker, P., and J. Moons. (2016, October 5-8). "Mining One Week of Twitter. Mapping Networked Publics in the Dutch Twittersphere." Paper presented at AoIR 2016: The 17th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Berlin, Germany: AoIR. Retrieved from
Working paper
Garnett, E., Lämmerhirt, D., Nold, C., and D. van Geenen (alphabetical order) (forthcoming). "Participatory sensing as public tests." Working Paper Series 3.
Presentations Academic conferences and talks
GFM Jahrestagung 2020 | Experimentieren
01 10 Panel 6.5 | OBSERVE! „Krisenexperimente – die Gesellschaft im Medienlabor.
Kollaborative Datenanalyse eines Twitter-Archivs zu den medien- und datenpraktischen Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie“, Carolin Gerlitz, Sebastian Gießmann, Danny Lämmerhirt, Sebastian Randerath, Tatjana Seitz, Daniela van Geenen, Axel Volmar & David Waldecker (alphabetical).
CRC Media of Cooperation Annual Conference 2020 | Pandemic Cooperation: Media and Society in Times of Corona
28 10 Panel 4 “Pandemic Attuning: Methodological Challenges and Provocations from the Field” (Session Host: Sam Hind).
Virtual roundtable discussion with Tomás Sánchez Criado (Berlin), Adolfo Estalella (Madrid), Daniela van Geenen (Siegen), Magdalena Götz (Siegen), Danny Lämmerhirt (Siegen), Andreas Sudmann (Bonn), Anna Lisa Ramella (Köln), Asli Telli (Siegen), Martin Zillinger (Köln) (see for the written blogpost about my contribution).
Data Power Conference 2019 (Bremen)
12 09 “Approaching data visualisations as interfaces: An empirical demonstration of how data are imag(in)ed”, Daniela van Geenen & Maranke Wieringa.
12 09 “‘Staying with the trouble’ of networks: challenges in accounting for situated network practices”, Daniela van Geenen, Jonathan Gray, Axel Meunier, Tommaso Venturini, Mathieu Jacomy & Liliana Bounegru (see for the recording).
Kings College London Lecture Series 2018
19 06 “The Field Notes Plugin: Making Network Visualization in Gephi Accountable”, Karin van Es, Daniela van Geenen & Maranke Wieringa
Data Justice 2018 (Cardiff).
21 05 “Towards Good Data Practice: Making Network Visualisation in Gephi Accountable”, Daniela van Geenen, Maranke Wieringa & Karin van Es.
Data Publics 2017 (Lancaster)
02 04 "Filter bubbles or multifaceted and diverse audiences? Studying media practices of Dutch-speaking citizens on Twitter”, Daniela van Geenen, Mirko Tobias Schäfer, Thomas Boeschoten, Piet Bakker, Erik Hekman.
Association of Internet Researchers Annual Conference 2017 (Tartu)
19 10 “Tracking ‘fake news’ on Twitter: An empirical and media critical contribution to nuancing the notion of the ‘filter bubble’”, Daniela van Geenen, Mirko Tobias Schäfer, Maranke Wieringa, Thomas Boeschoten, Piet Bakker & Eric Hekman 2016 (Berlin).
07 10 “Mining one week of Twitter. Tracing local networked publics in the Dutch Twittersphere”, Daniela van Geenen, Mirko Tobias Schäfer, Piet
Bakker, Thomas Boeschoten, Erik Hekman & Jonas Moons.
ECREA 2016 (Prague)
12 11 “Tracing Local Networked Publics in the Dutch Twittersphere”, Daniela van Geenen, Piet Bakker, Mirko Tobias Schäfer, Erik Hekman, Thomas Boeschoten & Jonas Moons.
Communication sciences and journalism studies World Journalism Education Conference 2019 (Paris)
10 07 “Data visualization in j-schools: a hybrid learning environment”, Daniela van Geenen & Yael de Haan.
Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2019 (Nijmegen)
08 02 “Spaces in which People and Algorithms ‘Meet’: Automation in Journalistic Practice” (see for slides), Daniela van Geenen 2018 (Gent).
08 02 “‘Lokaliteit’ in de transformatie van publieke sferen: een methodologie om lokale publieken en hun mediapraktijken op Twitter in beeld te brengen”, Daniela van Geenen, Maranke Wieringa, Mirko Tobias Schäfer & Piet Bakker.
2017 (Tilburg)
27 01 “Een week in de Nederlandse Twittersfeer: Publieken, lokale elites e hun mediapraktijken”, Daniela van Geenen, Piet Bakker, Mirko Tobias Schäfer, Thomas Boeschoten & Erik Hekman.
2016 (Amsterdam)
05 02 “Het Nederlandse Twitter-ecosysteem en het publieke debat”, Daniela van Geenen, Piet Bakker, Thomas Boeschoten, Erik Hekman, Jonas
Moons & Mirko Tobias Schäfer.
Non-academic events
26 10 2017 Talk at the Impakt Festival 2017 (Utrecht), as part of the “Post-Truth & Soft Power” Panel, titled “The Soft Power of Data Visualizations: Problematising the non-neutral way in which data visualizations impact our daily lives and research”, Daniela van Geenen & Maranke Wieringa (see for the recording).
04 09 2014 Concluding talk at the “Visualise It!” event (Utrecht), synthesizing talks by Amanda Cox, Andy Kirk, Paul Blickle, Robin Houston, and the project leaders of Every Picture Tells a Story (University of Applied Sciences Utrecht).
Utrecht University: Utrecht Summer School 2016, 2018 workshops on network visualization and analysis.
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht: Two successive practical lectures on data visualization in the postgraduate course Data Visualization & Infographics, Centrum voor Communicatie en Journalistiek, November 2015, April 2016, November 2016, and April 2017.