Lynch, Michael, Prof. Dr.
Ehemaliger Mercator Fellow und ehemaliger P01 TeilprojektleiterBooks
Graham Button, Michael Lynch, and Wes Sharrock, Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis and Constructive Analysis: On Formal Structures of Practical Action. London & New York: Routledge, 2022.
Edited volumes and special issues
Smith, Paul and Michael Lynch (Guest Eds.), Festschrift for Wes Sharrock, Special Issue of Ethnographic Studies 16 (2019).
Lynch, Michael (Ed.), Harold Garfinkel: Studies of Work in the Sciences. Abington & New York: Routledge (2022).
Journal articles and book chapters
Lynch, Michael, “Material play and artistic renderings: The production of essentially useless nanotechnology,” in Philippe Sormani, Guelfo Carbone and Priska Gisler (eds.), Practicing Art/Science: Experiments in an Emerging Field (Abington and New York: Routledge, 2019): 81-100.
Lynch, Michael, “Ontography as the study of locally organized ontologies,” Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung (ZMK) 10(1) (2019): 147-160.
Singh, Ranjit, Chris Hesselbein, Jessica Price and Michael Lynch, “Getting ‘there’ from the ever-changing ‘here’: Following digital directions,” in J. Vertesi and D. Ribes (eds.), digitalSTS: A Field Guide for Science & Technology Studies (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019): 280-299.
Lynch, Michael, “The sociology of science and social constructivism,” Chapter 22 of M. Fricker, P. J. Graham, D. Henderson, N. Pedersen (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology (London and New York: Routledge, 2019): 218-227.
Lynch, Michael, “Garfinkel, Sacks and Formal Structures: Collaborative origins, divergences and the vexed unity of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis,” Human Studies 42(2) (2019): 183-198.
Smith, Paul and Michael Lynch, “Introduction” to Festschrift for Wes Sharrock, Special Issue of Ethographic Studies, No. 16 (2019): 1-15.
Lynch, Michael, “Whose tent are we in? The value of fundamental criticism in, of, and for sociology,” Ethnographic Studies, No. 16 (2019): 89-110.
Lynch, Michael, “Sem(b)iosis and the political economy of nature,” in Bruno Latour, Simon Schaffer, and Pasquale Gagliardi (eds.), A Book of the Body Politic: Connecting Biology, Politics, and Social Theory (Venice: Fondazione Giorgio Cini, 2020): 89-113.
Lynch, Michael, “The inference making machine and the epistemic engine,” Ethnographic Studies No. 17 (2020): 143-160.
Lynch, Michael, “Vernacular visions of viral videos: Speaking for evidence that speaks for itself,” in B. Dupret, J. Colemans, and M. Travers (eds.), Legal Rules in Practice: In the Midst of Law's Life (Abington, UK, and New York, NY: Routledge, 2021): 182-204.
Clemens Eisenmann, and Michael Lynch, “Introduction to Harold Garfinkel's ethnomethodological ‘misreading’ of Aron Gurwitsch on the phenomenal field,” Human Studies 44(1) (2021): 1-17.
Clemens Eisenmann, and Michael Lynch (eds.) Harold Garfinkel, “Ethnomethodological ‘misreading’ of Aron Gurwitsch on the phenomenal field,” Human Studies 44(1) (2021): 19-42.
Oskar Lindwall and Michael Lynch, “‘Are you asking me or are you telling me?’: Expertise, evidence, and blame attribution in a post-game interview,” Discourse Studies 23(5) (2021): 652-669.
Lynch, Michael, “Editor’s introduction” to Harold Garfinkel: Studies of Work in the Sciences, pp. 1-15.
Lynch, Michael, “Garfinkel’s studies of work,” in Douglas Maynard and John Heritage (eds.), The Ethnomethodology Program: Legacies and Prospects (New York: Oxford University Press, 2022): 114-137.
Crist, Eileen and Michael Lynch, “L’analysabilité de l’interaction entre humans et animaux; le cas de l’education canine,” translated by Chloé Mondame and Laurent Camus, Langage & Société 176/2, 2002: 25-41.
Lynch, Michael and Clemens Eisenmann, “Transposing gestalt phenomena from visual fields to practical and interactional work: Garfinkel’s and Sacks’ social praxeology,” Philosophia Scientiae 26(3): 3-30.
Shorter pieces and entries
Lynch, Michael, “Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis,” in Lynette Spillman (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Lynch, Michael, “Indexicality,” in Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont, Alexandru Cernat, Joseph W. Sakshaug, and Malcolm Williams (eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations (online reference source). Los Angeles: Sage, 2019. Available at:
Lynch, Michael, “We have never been anti-science: Reflections on science wars and post-truth,” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 6, 2020: 49-57.
Lynch, Michael, “Comment on Martin Hammersley, ‘Is “representation” a folk term?’,” Philosophy of the Social Sciences 54(4), 2022: 258-267.
Lynch, Michael and Clemens Eisenmann, “Transposing gestalt phenomena from visual fields to practical and interactional work: Garfinkel’s and Sacks’ social praxeology,” Philosophia Scientiae 26(3): 3-30.
Review essays/book reviews
Lynch, Michael, “Latour on politics, modernity, and climate change,” review essay of Bruno Latour, Down to Earth (Cambridge: Polity, 2018), Metascience 28(3), 2019: 429-434.
Lynch, Michael, Review of Irene Van Oorschot, The Law Multiple: Judgment and Knowledge in Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2021). The Journal of Law and Society (published 28 April 2022).
Lynch, Michael, Dominik Gerst, Hannes Krämer, and René Salomon (2019) “The Studies are probably the best thing that Garfinkel ever wrote: An interview with Michael Lynch,” in “50 years‚ Studies in Ethnomethodology. An Interview Issue,” Forum Qualitative Social Research Sozialforschung 20(2), Art. 13. Available at: