Müller, Claudia, Prof. Dr.
A05 TeilprojektleiterinUniversität Siegen, Herrengarten 3, 57072 Siegen, Raum: AH-A 223, Telefon: +49 (0)271-740-4076
- Paluch, R. & Müller, C. (2022) (Accepted for publication). That’s Something for Children’: An Ethnographic Study of Attitudes and Practices of Care Attendants and Nursing Home Residents Towards Robotic Pets. In: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 6, GROUP, (January 2022).
- Cerna, K., Paluch, R., Bäumer, F., Ertl, T. and C. Müller. (2021). Transformation of HCI co-research with older adults: researchers’ positionality in the COVID-19 pandemic, pp. pp. 27-47, Interaction design and Architectures: Designing during and for pandemics. http://ixdea.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/idea2010/index.php?s=10&a=11&link=ToC_50_P
- Struzek, D., Cerna, K., Paluch, R., Bittenbinder, S., Müller, C. Reuter, A. … & Vines, J. (2021). Designing for New Forms of Vulnerability: Exploring transformation and empowerment in times of COVID-19. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI ’21 Extended Abstracts), May 08–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages.
- Cerna, K., & Müller, C., (2020). Learning for life: A Workshop Report. International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI), 17 2, (ISN ISSN 1861-4280). Link.
- Cerna, K., & Müller, C., (2020). From Design Space to Learning Place: Conceptualization for Meta Design Space for and with Older Adults. In Learning for life: A Workshop Report. International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI), 17 2, (ISN ISSN 1861-4280). Link.
- Engelbutzeder, P., Cerna, K., Randall, D., Lawo, D., Müller, C., Stevens, G., & Wulf, V. (2020, October). Investigating the use of digital artifacts in a community project of sustainable food practices:‘My chili blossoms’. In Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society (pp. 1-4).
- Cerna, K., Dickel, M., Müller, C., Kärnä, E., Gallistl, V., Kolland, F., Reuter, V., Naegele, G., Bevilacqua, R., Kaspar, H., Otto, H. (2020): Learning for life: Designing for sustainability of tech-learning networks of older adults. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: The International Venue on Practice-centred Computing on the Design of Cooperation Technologies - Exploratory Papers, Reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (ISSN 2510-2591), DOI: 10.18420/ecscw2020_ws04 . See a short trailer.
- Cerna, Katerina, Martin Dickel, Claudia Müller, Eija Kärnä, Vera Gallistl, Franz Kolland, Verena Reuter, u. a. (2020): Learning for life: Designing for sustainability of tech-learning networks of older adults. In: Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: The International Venue on Practice-centred Computing on the Design of Cooperation Technologies – Workshops, Reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies. (accepted)
- Shkumbin Gashi, Heidi Kaspar, Claudia Müller, Katharina Pelzelmayer, Anita Schürch & Karin van Holten (2020): Partizipative Forschung im Lockdown, in: Feministische Geo-RundMail, Informationen rund um feministische Geographie Nr. 83, September 2020, S. 43-48, url: https://ak-feministische-geographien.org/rundmail/
- Englert, Kathrin, Lene Faust, Christian Henrich-Franke, Claudia Müller und Cornelius Schubert (2019): Media in Action: Interdisciplinary Journal on Cooperative Media 1/2018, Thematic Focus “Socio-Informatics“.
- Müller, Claudia (2019): Introduction to the Thematic Focus “Socio-Informatics”. Media in Action – Interdisciplinary Journal on Cooperative Media 2018, Nr. 1: 9–16. >https://www001.zimt.uni-siegen.de/ojs/index.php/mia/article/view/32 (zugegriffen: 9. September 2019).
- Struzek, David, Claudia Müller und Alexander Boden (2019): Development of an Everyday Persuasive App for Movement Motivation for Older Adults. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: The International Venue on Practice-centred Computing and the Design of Cooperation Technologies -Demos and Posters, Reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies. http://doi.org/10.18420/ecscw2019_d04 .
- Struzek, D., M. Dickel, D. Randall und C. Müller (2019): How live streaming church services promotes social participation in rural areas. interactions 27, Nr. 1: 64–69. http://doi.org/10.1145/3373263 .
- Dickel, Martin und Claudia Müller (2018): Ethnographie-basiertes und partizipatives IT-Design mit älteren Menschen. Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten für die gemeinsame Gestaltungsarbeit im Feld. FIfF Kommunikation. Zeitschrift für Informatik und Gesellschaft 35, Nr. 4: 27–31.
- Müller, Claudia und Lin Wan (2018): Information and Communication Technology Design in a Complex Moral Universe: Ethnography-Based Development of a GPS Monitoring System for Persons Who Wander. In: Socio-Informatics - A Practice-based Perspective on the Design and Use of IT Artefacts, hg. von Volker Wulf, Volkmar Pipek, David Randall, Markus Rohde, Kjeld Schmidt, und Gunnar Stevens, 363–390. Oxford University Press.
- Ogonowski, Corinna, Timo Jakobi, Claudia Müller und Jan Hess (2018): PRAXLABS: A sustainable framework for user-centered ICT development: Cultivating research experiences from Living Labs in the home. In: Socio-Informatics - A Practice-based Perspective on the Design and Use of IT Artefacts, hg. von Volker Wulf, Volkmar Pipek, David Randall, Markus Rohde, Kjeld Schmidt, und Gunnar Stevens, 319–360. Oxford University Press.
- Dominik, Hornung/Müller, Claudia/Shlokovski, Irina/Wulf, Volker (2017): “Navigating Relationships and Boundaries: Concerns around ICT-uptake for Elderly People”, in: CHI '17 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM, forthcoming.
- Garschall, Markus/ Hamm, Theodor/Hornung, Dominik/Müller, Claudia/ Neureiter, Katja/ Schorch, Marén/van Velsen, Lex (2016): Proceedings of the COOP 2016 Symposium on challenges and experiences in designing for an ageing society. Reflecting on concepts of age(ing) and communication practices, International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI), Vol. 13, Issue 3, 2016.
- Boden, Alexander/Hornung, Dominik/ Müller, Claudia/Stein, Martin (2016): “Autonomy Support for Elderly People Through Everyday Life Gadgets”, in: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Supporting Group Work (Poster Extended Abstract). New York, NY, USA, 2016, pp. 421-424.
- Müller, Claudia / Reissmann, W. (2016): „Technokulturelle Imaginationen als Ansatzpunkte für Participatory Design“, in: Hartung, Anja/Hoffmann, Dagmar/ Kübler, Hans-Dieter/Schorb, Bernd/Schwender, Clemens (Hg.): Designing Age – Gestaltung des Alter(n)s, Medien & Altern. Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis, Heft 8.
- Wan, Lin/ Müller, Claudia/ Randall, David William/Wulf, Volker (2016): “Design of A GPS Monitoring System for Dementia Care and its Challenges in Academia-Industry Project”, in: CHI '16 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM Trans. 23, 5, Article 31 (October 2016), 36 pages.
- Müller, Claudia/Hornung, Dominik/Hamm, Theodor/Wulf, Volker (2015): “Practice-based Design of a Neighborhood Portal: Focusing on Elderly Tenants in a City Quarter Living Lab”, in: CHI '15 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM, (im Erscheinen).
- Wan, Lin/Müller, Claudia/Wulf, Volker/Randall, David William (2014): “Addressing the Subtleties in Dementia Care: Pre-study & Evaluation of a GPS Monitoring System“, in: CHI '14 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM, pp. 3987-3996.
- Müller, Claudia/Hornung, Dominik/Wulf, Volker (2014): „Design eines Nachbarschaftshilfeportals für ältere Mieter/-innen. Adressierung und Förderung der User Experience“, in: Hartung, Anja/Hoffmann, Dagmar/Kübler, Hans-Dieter/Schorb, Bernd/Schwender, Clemens (Hg.): Medien & Altern. Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis 4 (Schwerpunkt: Usability und Altern), S. 34-49.
- Müller, Claudia (2014): Praxisbasiertes Technologiedesign für die alternde Gesellschaft. Zwischen gesellschaftlichen Leitbildern und ihrer Operationalisierung im Design. Lohmar-Köln: Josef Eul Verlag. (Dissertationsschrift).
- Müller, Claudia/Wan, Lin/Wulf, Volker (2013): „Dealing with wandering in institutional care: Exploring the field”, in: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (Pervasive Health 2013). Gent: Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, pp. 101-104.
- Müller, Claudia/Neufeldt, Cornelius/Randall, David William/Wulf, Volker (2012): „ICT-Development in Residential Care Settings: Sensitizing Design to the Life Circumstances of the Residents of a Care Home”, in: CHI '12 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM, pp. 2639-2648.
- Budweg, Steffen/Lewkowicz, Myriam/Müller, Claudia/Schering, Sandra (2012): „Fostering Social Interaction in AAL: Methodological reflections on the coupling of real household Living Lab and SmartHome approaches“, in: Richter, Alexander/Müller, Claudia/Lewkowicz, Myriam/Budweg, Steffen (Hg.): i-com 11 (3) (Special Issue on Ambient Assisted Living), pp. 30-35.
- Boden, Alexander/Müller, Claudia/Nett, Bernhard (2011): „Conducting Business Ethnography in Global Software Development Projects of Small German Enterprises“, in: Journal Information and Software Technology 53 (9), pp. 1012-1021.
- Müller, Claudia/Wan, Lin/Dalibor, (Hg.) (2010): „Dealing with Wandering – A Case Study on Caregivers’ Attitudes towards Privacy and Autonomy when Reflecting the Use of LBS“, in: Proceedings of GROUP’10. New York: ACM, pp. 75-84.
- Reuter, Christian/Pipek, Volkmar/Müller, Claudia (2009): „Avoiding crisis in communication: A Computer-supported training approach for emergency management“, in: International Journal of Emergency Management 6 (3/4), pp. 356-368.