SFB-Jahrestagung 2016
December 8th, 2016
Civic Engagement Projects for Social Ecological Transformation and the Question of Publicity
Mundo Yang
DOIHow do Large Construction Sites Work? Constructing Infrastructures and Infrastructuring Construction
Katharina Kreuder-Sonnen
DOIInfrastructures of Digital Civics: Transportation, Advocacy, and Mobile Computing
Christopher Le Dantec
DOIInfrastructuring Publics or Societies? On Street Trials as Experiments in Interpretation
Noortje Marres (Warwick)
DOIMaking Wittgenstein Available: Infrastructures and Publics in the History of Editing Wittgenstein
Christian Erbacher
DOIModes of Establishing Publics. The Cases of the GuttenPlag-Wiki Activism and the Communication Controlling Concept
Hagen Schölzel
DOIPaleo-Cabinetology, The Cabinet Maker´s Impact on Infrastructures of Archaeological Reasoning
Jürgen Richter
DOIStandardizing Telecommunication Infrastructures: Culture(s) of Standardization in the Monopoly Era
Christian Henrich-Franke
DOIStill a “Public Sphere”? A Systematic-Historical View on Transparency and Responsibility as Communication Values
Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz
DOIWitchful Thinking: Experimental Publics, Cooperative Thought, and Mediated Renderings of the Real
Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz