SFB feature in the research magazine: “Computer, how am I?”
New issue of the research magazine future features the Collaborative Research Center “Media of Cooperation”
Under the title “Computer, how am I?”, the focus of the 6th issue of the research magazine future (in German and English) is on topics from the Collaborative Research Center (CRC).
→ Click here for the current issue
About the new issue
The new issue focus on the question what humans do with media and media do with us. Since 2016, the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) Media of Cooperation at the University of Siegen has been examining phenomena in digital society. This area is developing at a rapid pace. The researchers are increasingly focusing on sensor media and AI. They have found that machine and human sensory abilities are becoming increasingly intertwined.
Of humans and media (p. 4)
An article about the new research focus on AI and sensor media at the CRC.
From observer to actor. Today, algorithms in computer programs are autonomously making decisions (p. 11)
An article about the research in project B08 “Agentic Media: Formations of Semi-Autonomy”.
Live news from war zone: Social media and messenger services supply news and images from Ukraine daily (p. 18)
An article about the research in P06 “War Sensing”.
Blurring the boundaries of private life: Living in a smart home (p. 25)
An article about the research in B06 “Un-/desired Observation in Interaction: Smart Environments, Language, Body, and Senses in Private Households”.
Virtual pasture boundaries: Sensors are keeping animals in their place (p. 33)
An article about the research in P04 “Precision Farming: Co-operative Practices of Virtual Fencing”.
The research magazines frequents once every year since 2019 with a number of copies 3,500. All topics are discussed or determined together with the Research and Young Scientific Academics Commission, the Research Funding Unit and Prof. Dr. Thomas Mannel, the Prorector for Research and Junior Scientists. The main requirement for the decision is that it is cutting-edge research that is future-oriented. All issues are open-accessed.
Would you like to receive one or more print copies, for yourself, for national or international partners? You can order print copies via future@presse.uni-siegen.de. We will gladly add you to our subscription distribution list, free of charge, of course.
About the Collaborative Research Centre
The CRC 1187 Media of Cooperation is an interdisciplinary collaborative research centre consisting of 19 subprojects and more than 60 researchers from media studies, ethnology, sociology, computer science, linguistics, ubiquitous computing, science and technology studies, education, law and engineering.
The Collaborative Research Centre 1187 has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since 2016. The research centre studies digital media, which have emerged as cooperative tools, platforms and infrastructures on a broad front. In the first funding phase (2016-2019), the CRC focused on the relevance of social media and platforms, while the second phase (2020-2023) centered on data-intensive media and data practices. Phase 3 (2024-2027) inquires the interplay between sensor media and artificial intelligence.
Digital, data-intensive media have brought new challenges and potential dangers in the context of ubiquitous data processing of sensor technologies and semi-autonomously operating artificial intelligence (AI). Sensor media shape everyday practices in the smart home, collect environmental data, control semi-autonomous vehicles and, in the form of wearables, measure and quantify every aspect of our bodies. As a result, human decision-making is increasingly encroached upon by computerised infrastructures. In public debates, sensor media and AI are frequently criticised as threats to data sovereignty and human agency.
The CRC Media of Cooperation addresses and counters these developments and debates by focusing on the reciprocity of people, media, and environments: sensor media and AI intertwine bodies and data, media and environments, and human and non-human actors reciprocally but not symmetrically. In this field of tension, the CRC conducts basic digital research that mediates between past and present and shapes future digital media.
The CRC’s main location is at the University of Siegen. Further nodes in our research network are located at universities in Cologne, Hagen, Bochum, Frankfurt/Oder, Bonn, Constance, and Luxembourg. There are also close collaborations with renowned international scholars and research institutions in Chicago, Warwick, Basel, Waltham, and Lviv.