SFB 1187 ›Medien der Kooperation‹ an der Universität Siegen

B08 - Agentic Media: Formations of Semi-Autonomy


By analyzing current machine learning-based AI technologies and the associated controversies, the project makes a fundamental media and social theoretical contribution to the praxeology of agentic media.



Executive Summary

The project “Agentic Media” investigates the formation and differentiation of new media technologies composed of both software and hardware components that act (semi-)autonomously as entities capable of independent action. In its first funding phase (2020–2023), the project engaged in an analysis of the actor/subject characteristics and capacities of synthetic agents. The orders of cooperation emerging between human actors and agentic media were analyzed as configurations of semi-autonomy. Building on this, the next funding phase of the project will focus on sensor-mediated relationships of and with agentic media. The latter both form the basis of the semi-autonomous capacities for action evinced by synthetic agents and structure the interaction with these agents. Sensors enable the generation of heterogeneous data streams that continuously determine and update situations. On the one hand, this technical form of sense-making allows the performance of semi-autonomous operations and generates new forms of knowledge. On the other hand, however, interaction and cooperation with synthetic agents poses a challenge, as the knowledge and actions of these agents appear inaccessible and unpredictable to humans.

The project encompasses complementary case studies about figurations of cooperation between synthetic and human agents, sense-making based on foundation models, and the development of synthetic agents in and for scientific contexts that collectively explore the relational interconnectedness and modular composition of agentic media. The objective is to empirically examine and theoretically conceptualize the sensor-mediated constitution and specific otherness of synthetic agents. Taking production and management as examples, the project considers models and practices of human-machine cooperation, analyzing them as emergent forms of sociality with synthetic agents. The project pursues a comparative study of the development and appropriation of generative machine learning models, which equally figure as the subject of public controversy and as fundamental components of autonomization. This consideration aims both to reconstruct these debates and to analyze practices of sense-making about and with machine learning models. Building on the empirical findings elaborated in the case studies, the project makes a contribution to a media and social theory-based analysis of agentic media by exploring the challenges, conditions, and forms of cooperation between human actors and synthetic agents and describing their participation in the formation of overarching cooperation practices in such heterogeneous fields as industrial production, the cultural industries, and science itself.


Das Projekt untersucht und konzeptualisiert Agentic Media als einen neuartigen Typus digitaler Medien, die als synthetische Agenten in Erscheinung treten und mit technischer Handlungsautonomie ausgestattet sind.

Ziel ist die Erforschung von Herausforderungen, Bedingungen und Formen der Kooperation zwischen menschlichen Akteur*innen und synthetischen Agenten anhand:

  1. Verwobenheit von Agentic Media in mediale und sozio-technische Strukturen
  2. Andersartigkeit synthetischer Agenten innerhalb von Akteurskonstellationen und Kontroversen
  3. Handlungsformen und -felder von Agentic Media

Forschungsfelder: industrielle Produktion, Kreativwirtschaft sowie Wissenschaft

Modell kooperativer Kontrolle (© Baltzer et al. (2017): Cooperative Guidance and Control in Highly Automated Convoys—StrAsRob)
Modell kooperativer Kontrolle
(© Baltzer et al. (2017): Cooperative Guidance and Control in Highly Automated Convoys—StrAsRob)

Rollenmodelle künstlicher „Counterparts“ (© Ringfort-Felner et al. (2022): Distinct Roles for the Design of Intelligent Personal Assistants)
Rollenmodelle künstlicher „Counterparts“.
(© Ringfort-Felner et al. (2022): Distinct Roles for the Design of Intelligent Personal Assistants.).

Öffentliche Testpraktiken von ChatGPT (© medianama.com/2023/02/223-chatgpt-jailbreak-explainer)
Öffentliche Testpraktiken von ChatGPT
(© medianama.com/2023/02/223-chatgpt-jailbreak-explainer)

B08 untersucht Kooperation von und mit Agentic Media sowie die damit verbundenen Kontroversen mittels:

  • Praxeologischer Studien zu Interaktionsordnungen von menschlichen und synthetischen Akteuren
  • Expert*inneninterviews
  • Digital Methods zur Datenaneignung und Analyse ihrer Kontroversen
  • Dokumentenanalyse zur medienhistorischen Verortung

AP1 untersucht Figurationen der Zusammenarbeit menschlicher Akteur*innen und synthetischer Agenten mit Fokus auf:
Entwicklung und Erprobung von Modellen der Mensch- Maschinen-Zusammenarbeit

  • situierte Entwicklung synthetischer Agenten
  • Kooperation mit synthetischen Agenten in industriellen Anwendungskontexten

AP2 erforscht, wie generative Sprachmodelle kooperativ getestet, genutzt und anschlussfähig gemacht werden mit Fokus auf:

  • Kontroversen über generative KI-Modelle und die eigentümliche Andersartigkeit synthetischer Agenten
  • Praktiken des Sense-Making über und mit generativen Sprachmodellen von Entwickler*innen und Anwender*innen

AP3 konzeptualisiert die medien- und sozialtheoretischen Implikationen von Agentic Media und untersucht deren Einbettung in epistemische Praktiken mit Fokus auf:

  • Autonomisierung der Wissensproduktion
  • Entwicklung von Medienexperimentalsystemen in unterschiedlichen Disziplinen


➔ Find the Project Archive 2020–2023 here







Bender, Hendrik, and Max Kanderske. 2024. “Consumer Drone Warfare: Practices, Aesthetics and Discourses of Consumer Drones in the Russo-Ukrainian War”. In Drones in Society: New Visual Aesthetic, edited by Elisa Serafinelli. London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Bender, Hendrik. 2023. “Anhängliche Medien: Drohnen und die Erzeugung von Followability”. In Following. Medien der Gefolgschaft und Prozesse des Folgens. Ein kulturwissenschaftliches Kompendium, edited by Anne Ganzert, Philipp Hauser, and Isabell Otto, 263-74. Berlin: de Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110679137-025.
Bender, Hendrik, and Marcus Burkhardt. 2023. “Reinventing Drones: From DIY Experimentation to Professionalization”. Digital Culture & Society 9 (1): 125-52. https://doi.org/10.14361/dcs-2023-0107.
Förster, Susanne. 2023. “The Bigger the Better? The Size of Language Models and the Dispute over Alternative Architectures”. A Peer-Reviewed Journal About 12 (1): 120-34. https://doi.org/10.7146/aprja.v12i1.140444.
Föster, Susanne. 2023. “Small Talk: About the Size of Language Models”. Toward a Minor Tech: A Peer-reviewed Newspaper 12 (1): 2. cc.vvvvvvaria.org/wiki-to-print/pdf/Toward_a_Minor_Tech.


Bender, Hendrik, and Max Kanderske. 2022. “Co-Operative Aerial Images: A Geomedia History of the View from Above”. New Media & Society 24 (11): 2468-92. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448221122201.
Burkhardt, Marcus, Daniela van Geenen, Carolin Gerlitz, Sam Hind, Timo Kaerlein, Danny Lämmerhirt, and Axel Volmar, eds. 2022. Interrogating Datafication. Towards a Praxeology of Data. Bielefeld: transcript. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839455616.


Burkhardt, Marcus. 2018. “Version Control: Zur softwarebasierten Koordination von Ko-Laboration”. In Materialität der Kooperation, edited by Sebastian Gießmann, Tobias Röhl, and Jörg Potthast. Berlin: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-20805-9_4.