SFB 1187 ›Medien der Kooperation‹ an der Universität Siegen

P01 - Media of Praxeology I: Multisensory Mediality and Cooperative Practice

Principal Investigators:


Dr. Clemens Eisenmann

Dr. Philippe Sormani

Dr. Derek Coates
(Associated Member)

Prof. Dr. Waverly Duck
(Associated Member)

Mercator Fellows:

Prof. Dr. Michael Lynch
(Former Principal Investigator)

Former Researchers:

Dr. Christian Erbacher

Dr. Andrea Ploder

Prof. Dr. Tristan Thielmann
(Former Principal Investigator)

Dr. Jason Turowetz


The project investigates the cooperative accomplishment, accountability, and socio-technical mediatization of multisensorial practices. It extends digital praxeology by showing in detail, how embodied and intercorporeal practices of cooperation are fundamental for the study of sensoriality and mediality.






Executive Summary

As explored in detail in the past two project phases of P01, Harold Garfinkel has worked continuously since the 1950s and 1960s to elaborate the implicit, permanently fragile mediatic dimensions of the routine production of social order. He realized this methodologically, among other things, by conducing a series of practical experiments with students using induced sensory, cognitive, intersubjective, and normative breaches. With an orientation towards Wittgenstein, Gurwitsch, and Merleau-Ponty, Garfinkel showed how supposedly intrapsychic processes like understanding, interpretation, and even perception and sensation, are 1) interactional fabrications, 2) socio-technically conditioned, and 3) public. Even sensory and perceptual practices are therefore genuinely social phenomena.

Against the background of this preliminary work, subproject P01 will probe more deeply into its praxeological line of research, but now by directing both a theoretical and an empirical focus on the multisensory practices of embodied cooperation. In addition to P01’s research findings from the first two phases of the project, this focus thus also draws on empirical research conducted by the later joining subproject leaders on intercorporality (Meyer et al. 2017a, b) and multisensory interaction (Mondada 2021). For the CRC as a whole, the planned findings will, on the one hand, provide an empirically saturated theoretical starting point for a better understanding of digital media practices that systematically underlie embodied sensory practices, as well as of developments in the fields of AI and robotics in which these are either emulated or simulated interactionally. On the other hand, they will reveal socio-practical and socio-technical implications regarding the inclusive accessibility of digital infrastructures.

The research design of the third phase therefore consists of a complementary series of studies that consider the relevance of vision and blindness in interaction in the fabrication, making public, and socio-technical mediatization of perceptions: (1) The hybrid study of “tutorial problems” (Garfinkel 2002, 2022) renders the embodied, mediatic, and socio-technical conditions of perception in everyday life and science explicit. (2) Ethnomethodological ethnography is conducted to explore multisensory cooperative practices in professional physical therapy. (3) Ethnographic video analysis of cooperative multisensory practices is performed to analyze object-based multisensory cooperative perceptual practices in various “tasting sessions” (Mondada 2021). The project thereby combines the further reconstruction of the development of ethnomethodological theory. To do this, it will delve further into the Harold Garfinkel Archive and the extensive material on the thematization of perceptual practices. Moreover, it will engage in two complementary empirical analyses of the role of multisensoriality in their situational variations of mediatic and semiotic conditions. It will continue the project of intermeshing media and social theory of digital praxeology, which systematically demonstrates the extent to which embodied and intercorporeal practices of cooperation are fundamental to the field of sensoriality.


P01 focuses on the multisensorial practices of corporeal cooperation and their technological mediations to advance our understanding of:

  • the relationship of human and machine sensemaking
  • the relevance of sensoriality for disabilities and social inequality
  • contributions of sociology and interactional linguistics to the study of sensations and perceptions

The project focuses on sensorial practices in everyday and professional activities, relying on empirical video materials and on tutorials and experiments with the inverting lenses from the Harold Garfinkel Archive.

  • How do embodied practices involve sensing the other and sensing the world?
  • How are they achieved in an accountable and intersubjective way?
  • How can they be mediated, enhanced but also limited by technologies?
Ethnomethodology's Program: Working Out Durkheim's Aphorism. Harold Garfinkels. Edited and Introduced by Anne Warfield Rawls
Ethnomethodology's Program: Working Out Durkheim's Aphorism. Harold Garfinkels. Edited and Introduced by Anne Warfield Rawls

The praxeological and interactional Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis perspective is implemented and further developed in various approaches:

  • Historical praxeology
  • Reflexive ethnography
  • Field studies
  • Re-enactments
  • Video recordings
  • Multimodal transcripts
  • Multimodal analysis

Example of multimodal transcription of wine tasting in a restaurant
Example of multimodal transcription of wine tasting in a restaurant

Touch in everyday food practices
Touch in everyday food practices

(© Garfinkel 2002: 208)
(©  Garfinkel, Harold. 2002. Ethnomethodology's Program: Working Out Durkheim's Aphorism. Edited and Introduced by Anne Warfield Rawls. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc. S. 208. ISBN: 978-0-7425-1642-7.)

Learning embodied practices (© Eisenmann 2022: 178)
Learning embodied practices
(© Eisenmann, Clemens. 2022. Spiritualität als soziale Praxis: Zur Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit im Yoga. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. Abb. 32, S.179, DOI: 10.1515/9783110652802.)

3 complementary work packages:

  • WP1 “Tutorial Archive“: Late Garfinkel’s insights on instructed action, embodied practices and perception.
  • WP2 “Intercorporeal Co-Sensing“: Multisensorial embodied practices between participants in professional physiotherapy.
  • WP3 “Co-Operative Con-Sensing“: Sensorial practices with materiality, synesthesia and con-sensing in everyday food-related activities.


➔ Find the Project Archive 2020–2023 here










Mondada, Lorenza. 2024. “Requesting in Shop Encounters. Multimodal Gestalts and Their Interactional and Institutional Accountability”. In New Perspectives of Interactional Linguistic Research, edited by Dagmar Barth-Weingarten and Margret Selting, 274–305. Studies in Language and Social Interaction 36. Amsterdam; Philadelphia, PN: John Benjamins Publishing Company. https://benjamins.com/catalog/slsi.36.10mon.


Mondada, Lorenza. 2024. “The limits of vision”. In The Practical Accomplishment of Blind People’s Ordinary Activities, edited by Brian L. Due, 199-226. London, UK: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003156819.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2024. “Between sensorial pleasure and economic reason: Accepting or rejecting sellers’ offers to taste at the market”. In Multimodality and Social Interaction in Online and Offline Shopping, edited by Gitte Rasmussen and Theo van Leeuwen, 38-82. London, UK: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003284123.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2024. “The semantics of taste in interaction. Body, materiality and sensory lexicon in tasting sessions”. Interactional Linguistics 3 (1/2): 93-131. https://doi.org/10.1075/il.22011.mon.


Eisenmann, Clemens, Kathrin Englert, Ehler Voss, and Cornelius Schubert. 2023. “Making the Conditions of Mutual Making. An Introduction”. In Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making, edited by Clemens Eisenmann, Kathrin Englert, Ehler Voss, and Cornelius Schubert, 3-17. Media of Cooperation. Wiesbaden: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-39037-2_1.
Eisenmann, Clemens, Christian Meier zu Verl, Yaël Kreplak, and Alex Dennis. 2023. “Reconsidering foundational relationships between ethnography and ethnomethodology and conversation analysis – an introduction”. Qualitative Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/14687941231210177.
Eisenmann, Clemens, and Robert Mitchell. 2023. “Spirituality and Internal Movement as Embodied Work in Yoga and Taiji Practice”. In Instructed and Instructive Actions, edited by Michael Lynch and Oskar Lindwall, 201-21. New York, NY: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003279235-14.
Eisenmann, Clemens, Jakub Mlynář, Jason Turowetz, and Anne W. Rawls. 2023. “‘Machine Down’: Making sense of human-computer interaction – Garfinkel’s early research on ELIZA at MIT in 1967-1968 and its contemporary relevance”. AI & Society. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-023-01793-z.
Eisenmann, Clemens, and Anne W. Rawls. 2023. “The Continuity of Garfinkel’s Approach: Seeking Ways of ‘Making the Phenomenon Available Again’ through the Experience and Usefulness of ‘Trouble’”. In The Anthem Companion to Harold Garfinkel, edited by Philippe Sormani and Dirk vom Lehn, 19-42. London; New York, NY: Anthem Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.4418210.6.
Lynch, Michael, and Oskar Lindwall, eds. 2023. Instructed and Instructive Actions: The Situated Production, Reproduction, and Subversion of Social Order. London; New York, NY: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003279235.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2023. “Tasting vs. eating: the methodic and situated differentiation of embodied multisensorial activities in social interaction”. In Complexity of Interaction. Studies in Multimodal Conversation Analysis, edited by Pentti Haddington, Tiina Eilittä, Antti Kamunen, Laura Kohonen-Aho, Iira Rautiainen, and Anna Vatanen, 29–64. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-30727-0_2.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2023. “From the sensing body to language, and back: Tasting and expressing taste”. In Pragmatics of Translation, edited by Miriam A. Locher, Daria Dayter, and Thomas C. Messerli, 250-80. [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 337. Amsterdam; Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1075/pbns.337.11mon.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2023. “Offering a taste in gourmet food shops: Small gifts in an economy of sale”. In Encounters at the counter, edited by Barbara Fox, Lorenza Mondada, and Marja-Leena Sorjonen, 109-43. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009216012.004.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2023. “Demonstrating and guiding how to smell in tasting sessions: .nhHHHhh and the audible-visible production of sensorial intersubjectivity”. Language & Communication 88: 111-29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langcom.2022.11.006.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2023. “The normative order of sensing: Enacting the score sheet in tasting sessions”. Text & Talk. https://doi.org/10.1515/text-2022-0195.
Sormani, Philippe, and Dirk vom Lehn, eds. 2023. The Anthem Companion to Harold Garfinkel. Anthem Companions to Sociology. London: Anthem. ISBN: 9781839982637. https://anthempress.com/the-anthem-companion-to-harold-garfinkel-pdf.
Sormani, Philippe, and L. Wolter. 2023. “Protocol Subversion: Staging and Stalking of ‘Machine Intelligence’ at School”. In Instructed and Instructive Actions, edited by Michael Lynch and Oskar Lindwall, 259-78. London; New York, NY: Routledge.


Button, Graham, Michael Lynch, and Wes Sharrock. 2022. Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis and Constructive Analysis: On Formal Structures of Practical Action. London; New York, NY: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003220794.
Lynch, Michael, ed. 2022. Harold Garfinkel: Studies of Work in the Sciences. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003172611.
Lynch, Michael. 2022. “Garfinkel’s studies of work”. In The Ethnomethodology Program. Legacies and Prospects, edited by Douglas W. Maynard and John Heritage, 114-38. Oxford, New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190854409. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/harold-garfinkel-and-ethnomethodology-9780190854409?lang=en&cc=u.
Lynch, Michael, and Clemens Eisenmann. 2022. “Transposing Gestalt Phenomena from Visual Fields to Practical and Interactional Work: Garfinkel’s and Sacks’ Social Praxeology”. Philosophia Scientiæ 26 (3): 95-122. https://doi.org/10.4000/philosophiascientiae.3619.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2022. “Appealing to the senses: approaching, sensing and interacting at the market’s stall”. Discourse & Communication 16 (2): 160-99. https://doi.org/10.1177/17504813211043597.
Sormani, Philippe. 2022. “Recovering the Work of a Discovering Science with a Video Camera in Hand: The Electronically Probed/Visually Discovered Spectrum”. In The Ethnomethodology Program. Legacies and Prospects, edited by Douglas W. Maynard and John Heritage, 322-47. Oxford; New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190854409. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/harold-garfinkel-and-ethnomethodology-9780190854409?lang=en&cc=us#.


Amelang, Katrin, Clemens Eisenmann, Janina Kehr, Helmar Kurz, Mirko Uhlig, and Ehler Voss. 2021. “Chronicles of a Pandemic. Introduction to Part 2 of the Curare Corona Diaries”. Curare 44 (1-4): 11-13. https://digi.evifa.de/viewer/image/1695108106532/.
Eisenmann, Clemens, and Michael Lynch. 2021. “Introduction to Harold Garfinkel’s Ethnomethodological ‚Misreading‘ of Aron Gurwitsch on the Phenomenal Field”. Human Studies 44 (1): 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10746-020-09564-1.
Garfinkel, Harold. 2021. “Ethnomethodological Misreading of Aron Gurwitsch on the Phenomenal Field”. Edited by Clemens Eisenmann and Michael Lynch. Human Studies 44 (1): 19-42. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10746-020-09566-z.
Mair, Michael, Phillip Brooker, William Dutton, and Philippe Sormani. 2021. “Just what are we doing when we’re describing AI? Harvey Sacks, the commentator machine, and the descriptive politics of the new artificial intelligence”. Qualitative Research 21 (3): 341-59. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468794120975988.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2021. “Achieving the intersubjectivity of sensorial practices. Body, language, and the senses in tasting activities”. In Intersubjectivity in Action: Studies in language and social interaction, edited by Jan Lindström, Ritva Laury, Anssi Peräkylä, and Marja-Leena Sorjonen, 279-302. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 326. Amsterdam; Philadelphia, PN: John Benjamins Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1075/pbns.326.13mon.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2021. “Language and the sensing body. How sensoriality permeates syntax in interaction”. Frontiers in Communication 5: 664430. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2021.664430.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2021. Sensing in Social Interaction. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108650090.
Mondada, Lorenza, Sofian A. Bouaouina, Laurent Camus, Guillaume Gauthier, Hanna Svensson, and Burak S. Tekin. 2021. “The local and filmed accountability of sensorial practices. The intersubjectivity of touch as an interactional accomplishment”. Social Interaction. Video-based Studies on Human Sociality 4 (3): 1-30. https://doi.org/10.7146/si.v4i3.128160.
Ploder, Andrea, and Tristan Thielmann. 2021. “Methodological Adequacy: Ein medien-, sozial- und wissenschaftstheoretischer Beitrag zu Selektionspraktiken”. In Ethnomethodologie reloaded. Neue Werkinterpretationen und Theoriebeiträge zu Harold Garfinkels Programm, edited by Jörg Bergmann and Christian Meyer, 189-226. Bielefeld: transcript. ISBN: 978-3-8394-5438-1. https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-5438-7/ethnomethodologie-reloaded/?number=978-3-8394-5438-1.
Rawls, Anne Warfield. 2021. “Durkheim’s Self-Regulating ‘Constitutive’ Practices: An Unexplored Critical Relevance to Racial Justice, Consensus Thinking, and the COVID-19 Pandemic”. In Durkheim & Critique, edited by Nicola Marcucci, 227-63. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75158-6_8.
Rawls, Anne Warfield. 2021. “The Structure of Social Facts: Self, Objects and Action as Products of Reciprocity and Cooperation in Constitutive Practices”. Mauss International 1 (1): 186-206. https://www.cairn-int.info/journal-mauss-international-2021-1-page-186.htm.


Amelang, Katrin, Clemens Eisenmann, Janina Kehr, Helmar Kurz, Mirko Uhlig, and Ehler Voss. 2020. “Chronicles of a Pandemic. Introduction to Part 1 of the Curare Corona Diaries”. Curare 43 (1-4): 13-15. https://digi.evifa.de/viewer/image/1695107906953/.
Cekaite, Asta, Mondada, and Lorenza, eds. 2020. Touch in Social Interaction. Touch, Language, and Body. London, UK: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003026631.
Eisenmann, Clemens. 2020. “Technosoziale Intimität. Videotelefonie im familiären Alltag mit Kindern”. In Digitale Kindheiten, edited by Jutta Wiesemann, Clemens Eisenmann, Inka Fürtig, Jochen Lange, and Bina Elisabeth Mohn. Media of Cooperation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31725-6_5 .
Eisenmann, Clemens, and Christian Meyer. 2020. “Wearing a Face Mask in Everyday Life – About Recalibrations in the Interactional Infrastructure of Global Cooperation”. Global Cooperation Research – A Quarterly Magazine 2 (2): 6-8. https://www.gcr21.org/publications/gcr/gcr-quarterly-magazine/global-cooperation-research-2-/-2020.
Eisenmann, Clemens, and Christian Meyer. 2020. “Wittgensteins rote Blume, Steins Rose und Luckmanns Alpennelke – oder : Alltag und Grenzen des Vergleichens in der Weltgesellschaft aus ethnomethodologischer Perspektive”. In Global beobachten und vergleichen. Soziologische Analysen zur Weltgesellschaft, edited by Hannah Bennani, Martin Bühler, Sophia Cramer, and Andrea Glauser, 317-45. Studien zur Weltgesellschaft/World Society Studies 7. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus-Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-593-51169-6.
Erbacher, Christian. 2020. Wittgenstein’s Heirs and Editors. Elements in the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108878111.
Garfinkel, Harold. 2020. Studien zur Ethnomethodologie. Edited by Erhard Schüttpelz, Anne Warfield Rawls, and Tristan Thielmann. Frankfurt am Main: Campus. ISBN: 9783593507392. https://www.campus.de/buecher-campus-verlag/wissenschaft/soziologie/studien_zur_ethnomethodologie-14230.html.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2020. “Orchestrating Multi-sensoriality in Tasting Sessions: Sensing Bodies, Normativity, and Language”. Symbolic Interaction 44: 63-86. https://doi.org/10.1002/symb.472.
Mondada, Lorenza. 2020. “Audible Sniffs: Smelling-in-Interaction”. Research on Language and Social Interaction 53 (1): 140-63. https://doi.org/10.1080/08351813.2020.1716592.
Mondada, Lorenza, and Giolo Fele. 2020. “Descrittori visivi per l’assaggio professionale: lessico, sensorialità e standardizzazione”. Rivista Italiana di Linguistica Applicata 49 (3): 651-81.
Sormani, Philippe. 2020. “‘DIY AI’? – Practicing Kit Assembly, Locating Critical Inquiry”. Ethnographic Studies 17: 60-80. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4050539.
Sormani, Philippe. 2020. “Reenactment as a Research Strategy: From Performance Art to Video Analysis and Back Again”. In Dialogues between Artistic Research and Science and Technology Studies, edited by Henk Borgdorff, Pinch Trevor, and Peter Peters, 184-200. Art & Visual Culture Series. London; New York, NY: Routledge. DOIhttps://doi.org/10.4324/9780429438875.


Borbach, Chistoph, and Tristan Thielmann. 2019. “Über das Denken in Ko-Operationsketten. Arbeiten am Luftlagebild”. In Materialität der Kooperation, edited by Sebastian Gießmann, Tobias Röhl, and Ronja Trischler, 115-67. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-20805-9_5.
Erbacher Christian, Anne dos Santos Reis, and Julia Jung. 2019. “‘Ludwig Wittgenstein’ –A BBC radio talk by Elizabeth Anscombe in May 1953”. Edited by Simo Säätelä, Gisela Bengtsson, Oskari Kuusela, and Cato Wittusen. Nordic Wittgenstein Review 8 (1-2): 225-40. https://doi.org/10.15845/nwr.v8i1-2.3556.
Erbacher, Christian. 2019. “Ways of Making Wittgenstein Available – Towards Studying Infrastructures and Publics in the History of Editing Wittgenstein’s Writings”. In Infrastructuring Publics – Making Infrastructures Public, edited by Matthias Korn, Wolfgang Reißmann, Tobias Röhl, and David Sittler, 265–284. Wiesbaden: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-20725-0_13.
Erbacher, Christian. 2019. “Philosophy – Therapy – Culture: On a Triangulated Analogy in the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein”. Journal of Medical Anthropology. 41 (1+2): 135-41. http://www.vwb-verlag.com/Katalog/m844.html.
Erbacher, Christian. 2019. Friedrich August von Hayek‘s Draft Biography of Ludwig Wittgenstein Wittgenstein (with an Endword by A. Janik). Edited by C. Erbacher. Münster: mentis. https://doi.org/10.30965/9783957437976.
Erbacher, Christian. 2019. “‚Good‘ Philosophical Reasons for ‚Bad‘ Editorial Philology? On Rhees and Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Grammar”. Philosophical Investigations 42 (2): 111-45. https://doi.org/10.1111/phin.12226.
Erbacher, Christian. 2019. “Das Drama von Tübingen. Eine Humanities and Technology Story”. Working Paper Series Media of Cooperation 13. http://dx.doi.org/10.25819/ubsi/614.
Garfinkel, Harold. 2019. The History of Gulfport Field 1942. Edited by Tristan Thielmann. With an Introduction by Anne Warfield Rawls and Michael Lynch. Siegen: Media of Cooperation. https://www.mediacoop.uni-siegen.de/?p=4987.
Garfinkel, Harold. 2019. Parsons’ Primer. Edited by Anne Warfield Rawls. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-476-04815-8.
Garfinkel, Harold. 2019. “Notes on Language Games as a source of Methods for Studying the Formal Properties of Linguistic Events”. The European Journal of Social Theory 22 (2): 148-74. https://doi.org/10.1177/1368431018824733.
Lynch, Michael. 2019. “Ontography as the study of locally organized ontologies”. Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung (ZMK) 10 (1): 147-60. https://meiner.de/ontography-as-the-study-of-locally-organized-ontologies.html.
Lynch, Michael. 2019. “Garfinkel, Sacks and Formal Structures: Collaborative origins, divergences and the vexed unity of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis”. Human Studies 42 (2): 183-98. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10746-019-09510-w.
Rawls, Anne Warfield. 2019. “Introduction to Garfinkel’s ‚Notes on Language Games‘: Language Events as Cultural Events in ‚Systems of Interaction‘”. The European Journal of Social Theory 22 (2): 133-47. https://doi.org/10.1177/1368431018824698.
Rawls, Anne Warfield. 2019. La division du travail revisited. Vers une théorie sociologique de la justice. Paris: Le bord de l’eau. http://www.editionsbdl.com/fr/books/la-division-du-travail-revisited.-vers-une-thorie-sociologique-de-la-justice/712/.
Rawls, Anne Warfield, and Michael Lynch. 2019. “Harold Garfinkel’s History of Gulfport Field 1942, Part II, The Aircraft Mechanics School: Mocking-up and Making-do in the Midst of Wartime Urgency”. In The History of Gulfport Field 1942, by Harold Garfinkel, edited by Tristan Thielmann, I-XLVIII. Siegen: Media of Cooperation. https://www.mediacoop.uni-siegen.de/neue-veroeffentlichung-the-history-of-gulfport-field-1942-von-harold-garfinkel/.
Rawls, Anne Warfield, and Jason Turowetz. 2019. “‚Discovering Culture‘ in Interaction: Solving Problems in Cultural Sociology by Recovering the Interactional Side of Parsons’ Conception of Culture”. The American Journal of Cultural Sociology. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41290-019-00079-6.
Rawls, Anne Warfield, and Jason Turowetz. 2019. “Introduction to Parsons’ Primer”. In Parsons’ Primer, edited by Harold Garfinkel, 1-108. Stuttgart: Metzler. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-476-04815-8_1.
Thielmann, Tristan. 2019. “The ENIAC Display: Insignia of a Digital Praxeology”. In Exploring the Early Digital, edited by Thomas Haigh, 101-16. New York/London: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-02152-8_6.
Turowetz, Jason, and Anne Warfield Rawls. 2019. “The Development of Garfinkel’s ‚Trust‘ Argument from 1947 to 1967: Demonstrating How Inequality Disrupts Sense and Self-Making”. Journal of Classical Sociology 21 (1): 3-37. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468795X19894423.


Ghanbari, Nacim, Isabell Otto, Samantha Schramm, and Tristan Thielmann, eds. 2018. Kollaboration: Beiträge zur Medientheorie und Kulturgeschichte der Zusammenarbeit. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. https://doi.org/10.30965/9783846758403.
Ghanbari, Nacim, Isabell Otto, Samantha Schramm, and Tristan Thielmann. 2018. “Einleitung”. In Kollaboration. Beiträge zu Medientheorie und Kulturgeschichte der Zusammenarbeit, edited by Nacim Ghanbari, Isabell Otto, Samantha Schramm, and Tristan Thielmann, 1–17. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. https://doi.org/10.30965/9783846758403_002.
Rawls, Anne Warfield. 2018. “The Wartime Narrative in US Sociology 1940-1947: Stigmatizing Qualitative Sociology in the Name of ‚Science‘”. The European Journal of Social Theory 21 (4): 526-46. https://doi.org/10.1177/1368431018754499.
Rawls, Anne Warfield, Waverly Duck, and Jason Turowetz. 2018. “Problems Establishing Identity/Residency in a City Neighborhood during a in a Black-White Police-Citizen Encounter: Revisiting Du Bois’ Concept of ‚The Submissive Man”. City and Community 17 (4): 1015-50. https://doi.org/10.1111/cico.12345.
Schüttpelz, Erhard. 2018. “Versprechen, Verträge und Vertretung. Soziale Akte bei Adolf Reinach und J.L. Austin”. In Kollaboration: Beiträge zur Medientheorie und Kulturgeschichte der Zusammenarbeit, edited by Nacim Ghanbari, Isabell Otto, Samantha Schramm, and Tristan Thielmann, 183-200. Paderborn: Fink. ISBN: 978-3-7705-5840-7. https://doi.org/10.30965/9783846758403_010.
Thielmann, Tristan. 2018. “Early Digital Images: A Praxeology of the Display”. In Image – Action – Space: Situating the Screen in Visual Practice, edited by Luisa Feiersinger, K. Friedrich, and M. Queisner, 41-54. Berlin: De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110464979-004.


Erbacher, Christian. 2017. “‚Gute‘ philosophische Gründe für ‚schlechte‘ Editionsphilologie”. In Textologie – Theorie und Praxis interdisziplinärer Textforschung, edited by M. Enders, A. Pichler, and C. Zittel, 257-98. Berlin: De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110352498-007.
Erbacher, Christian. 2017. “Among the omitted stuff, there are many good remarks of a general nature"- On the making of von Wright and Wittgenstein’s culture and value”. Nothern European Journal of Philosophy 18 (2): 79-113. https://doi.org/10.1515/sats-2017-0004.
Erbacher, Christian Eric. 2017. “Brief aus Norwegen”. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (3): 574-88. https://doi.org/10.1515/dzph-2017-0040.
Erbacher, Christian, Julia Jung, and Anne Seibel. 2017. “The Logbook of Editing Wittgenstein’s ‘Philosophische Bemerkungen’. Rush Rhees’ letters to Georg Henrik von Wright 1962-64”. Nordic Wittgenstein Review 6 (1): 105–147. https://www.nordicwittgensteinreview.com/article/view/3442.
Erbacher, Christian, and Tina Schirmer. 2017. “On Continuity: Rush Rhees on Outer and Inner Surfaces of Bodies”. Philosophical Investigations 40 (1): 3-30. 10.1111/phin.12135.
Lisa Ramella, Anna, Asko Lehmuskallio, Tristan Thielmann, and Pablo Abend. 2017. “Introduction Mobile Digital Practices. Situating People, Things, and Data”. Digital Culture & Society 3. https://doi.org/10.14361/dcs-2017-0202.
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Erbacher, Christian. 2016. “Die Wittgenstein-Editionen im Kontext – Über editorische Defizite und ihre konstruktive Kontextualisierung”. Editio 30 (1): 197-221. https://doi.org/10.1515/editio-2016-0013.
Erbacher, Christian. 2016. “Wittgenstein and His Literary Executors”. Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 4 (3): 1-39. https://www.britishwittgensteinsociety.org/wittgenstein-literary-executors.
Erbacher, Christian. 2016. “Some Notes on Writing a History of Editing Wittgenstein”. In Ästhetik heute, edited by S. Majetschak and A. Weiberg, 69-71. Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposium 39. Kirchberg/Wechsel: De Gruyter. https://www.alws.at/alws/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/papers-2016.pdf.
Erbacher, Christian. 2016. “Der gestaltete Gestalter. Die Editionsgeschichte der Schriften Ludwig Wittgensteins und das Medien-Problem des Philosophierens”. In Gestalten gestalten, edited by Stephan Habscheid, Gero Hoch, Hildegard Schröteler-v. Brandt, and Volker Stein, 1st ed., 13-26. Göttingen: V&R Unipress. ISBN: 978-3-8471-0503-9 978-3-7370-0503-6. https://doi.org/10.14220/9783737005036.13.


Erbacher, Christian. 2015. Formen des Klärens: Literarisch-philosophische Darstellungsmittel in Wittgensteins Schriften. Münster: mentis. https://doi.org/10.30965/9783957438195.