• CRC 1187 Project A01 - Digital Network Technologies between Specialization and Generalization

    A01 - Digital Network Technologies between Specialization and Generalization
    Photo: Rattanathip | stock.adobe.com | 771307475 | Generated with AI


20 June 2024
Call for Abstracts: En/Countering Tracking (Special issue of Computational Culture)
Official call for abstracts "En/Countering Tracking: Resisting spatiotemporal media operations in computational culture" A special issue of Computational Culture, a Journal of Software Studies Edited by Kathrin Friedrich and Sebastian Randerath The ... read more
18 June 2024
Call for Contributions for “The Datafied Web”
Official call for contributions | Call for contributions PDF “The Datafied Web”: 6th RESAW Conference (5-6 June 2025, Siegen University) The deadline for submissions is 15 October 2024. Do you remember the beginnings of early ... read more
10 June 2024
The CRC 1187 makes digital everyday life tangible: Interactive stand inspires at Open University Siegen
The CRC 1187 offered visitors of all ages exciting insights into the everyday world of digital media and the opportunity to reflect on their own digital everyday life with an interactive stand at the "Open University", hosted by the University ... read more
06 June 2024
New book on Gender and Technology at work
The book Gender and Technology at Work: From Workplace Studies to Social Justice in Design, auhtored by our member Volker Wulff (project B04) and others, brings together the vast research literature about gender and technology to help designers ... read more
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Upcoming Events

Thu. 07 November 2024 - Fri. 08 November 2024
Conference: Machine. Body. Space. - The Accomplishment and Entanglement of Human and Non-Human Sensing
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Wed. 13 November 2024 - Fri. 15 November 2024
CRC Annual Conference “Scaling Sensing – Sensing Publics: Landscapes, and Borders, Homes and Bodies”
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