SFB 1187 ›Medien der Kooperation‹ an der Universität Siegen

B05 - (Early) Childhood and Smartphone. Family Interaction Order, Learning Processes and Cooperation

SFB 1187-Projekt-B06-2024.JPG

Principal Investigators:

Prof. Dr. Jutta Wiesemann

Mercator Fellow:

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Streeck

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Streeck
(Mercator Fellow)


By investigating sensory practices in digital childhoods, the project makes a fundamental contribution to understanding the cooperative constitution of the human and technical sensorium.


Executive Summary

Media practices unfold the ways of the world becoming experienceable and understandable in digital childhoods. They also link everyday family life to social processes of digitalization. This is the overall conclusion of the first two phases of our study of mediatized forms of everyday family interactions with children from 0 to 6 years. As the possibilities of media-based interaction become more and more a comprehensive, unquestioned part of everyday existence, a paradox arises: The “accents of reality” (Schütz 1971) are shifting between digital media-based and co-present interaction. While the first funding phase investigated smartphones in early childhood as a cooperatively created condition of cooperation in everyday family life, the second funding phase focused on learning practices that unfold in situations involving adults, children, and digital media. Observations and analyses of the production and evaluation of family films, selfies, and photos have outlined virtual worlds as everyday familial places and the smartphone as a repository of memory data. It shows how media practices expand and change the familial biographical context of experience. Using video interactions as an example, the project shows how new forms of being-in-contact emerge without touching things and bodies. The boundaries of digital and analog, of touching and being touched, shift and transform the everyday life of children. This insight is reflected in our publication and exhibition “Reinventing Touch”, a laboratory of gazes, in which touch in digital spaces is presented in an (audio)visual arrangement as a set of innovative and cooperative sensory practices.

Taking up this thread, the project will further analyze the sensory and sensorial practices in the third funding phase. The main interest focusses on the cooperative constitution of the human and technical sensorium in the context of familial and everyday interaction with digital media. The project continues the long-term camera ethnographic study on digital media practices in early childhood with a research concentration on sensory practices. The leading questions are firstly, how sensory practices that are physically and bodily analog relate to digital ones. Secondly, it asks how these digital and analog “ways of worldmaking” (cf. Ways of Worldmaking, Goodman 1978) interact and produce new forms of sensory experience. For this purpose, the subproject conducts circular and contrastive field research phases in informal (family, peers) and formal (educational institutions) settings, researching in families and building up access to schools and kindergartens. Based on the observation of temporary boundary shifts between both analog and digital and living and non-living actors in the media practices of young children, digital (educational) games will also play a central role in the planned observations. The project continues to develop our experimental arranging style of research on audiovisual materials in order to test new ways of investigating practices from the perspective of observation. In this way, the project opens up an innovative methodological approach to situatedness as a dense context of action consisting of mutually reciprocal interacting (sensory) practices.


The project focuses on the question of the co-operative nature of the human and technical sensorium in the context of family and everyday interaction between children and digital media.

The research focus on sensory practices asks how these practices manifest themselves in their analog-digital interweaving and everyday life, for example when playing on a smartphone, watching family videos on a tablet (Fig. 1) or saying goodbye to grandma in a video call with a long-distance kiss (Fig. 2).

Videostandbild aus „Ich“ mit Nauka (© Astrid Vogelpohl)
Fig. 1: Screenshot of „Ich“ with Nauka
(© Astrid Vogelpohl)

Videostandbild aus „Fuß“ mit Carl (© Bina E. Mohn)
Fig. 2: Screenshot of „Fuß“ with Carl
(© Bina E. Mohn)

Camera ethnography enables systematic access to digital-analog, sensual and sensory phenomena. It is the centre of the methodological approach and expands participatory ethnographic research with a research-reflexive concept of cooperation that combines cooperation and (inter-)disciplinary positioning.

Different visual research formats that refer to the situatedness of practices and enable arranging research material are being explored in the project. For example, the research tool Wordless Language Game, an interactive video archive sorted according to practices and media (Fig. 3), was developed as well as an interactive, non-linear film project that was created through using the video authoring software Korsakow (Fig. 4).

Furthermore, the increasing age of the children suggests a multi-method approach that also includes interviews, drawings or explorations of digital environments, which takes greater account of the experiences of children as experts on the reality of their lives in the research methods.

Screenshot Wordless Language Game
Fig. 3: Screenshot of the Wordless Language Game
(© Bina E. Mohn, Pip Hare, Astrid Vogelpohl)

Screenshot Korsakow Projekt Showing doing being Nauka
Fig. 4: Screenshot of the Korsakow-Project
„Showing doing being Nauka“
(© Astrid Vogelpohl)

Since 2016 the long-term study has been investigating how children (aged 3-10) in families create 'analog-digital' worlds as natural 'hybrids'. This can be observed in everyday situations such as when falling asleep (Fig. 5) and in the digitally mediated perception of the world (Fig. 6).

Starting 2024, the project will open up for kindergartens, schools and extracurricular facilities as new research locations.

The results of the 12-year long-term study will be published in a multimedia publication and presented at a final exhibition with video installations.

Videostandbild aus „Gesicht“ mit Levi © Pip Hare)
Fig. 5: Screenshot of „Gesicht“ with Levi
(© Pip Hare)

Videostandbild aus „Himmel“ mit Nauka (© Astrid Vogelpohl)
Fig. 6: Screenshot of „Himmel“ with Nauka
(© Astrid Vogelpohl)


➔ Find the Project Archive 2020–2023 here.




Berührung neu erfinden. Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten. Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen
Reinventing Touch.
Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes

What happens to touch when we come together digitally? This publication brings together diverse perspectives and approaches to interrogate the widespread contention that increasing digitalisation in childhood leads to tactile deprivation. The authors describe sensory practices in early childhood as media practices in which skin and screens, eyes and ears interact synergistically to bring forth sensorial events. The publication is built around 10 short films featuring touch. The combination of texts and films explores interrelationships between embodiment, materiality, and virtuality in digital childhoods. (c) LIT Verlag Berlin-Münster-Wien-Zürich-London.

Mohn, B. E., Wiesemann, J., Hare, P., Vogelpohl, A. (Hrsg.). 2023. Berührung neu erfinden: Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten. Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen | Reinventing Touch: Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes. Reihe: Camera Ethnography. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT. ISBN: 978-3-643-25034-6. 



Hare, Pip. 2023. “Feeling touched while doing camera ethnographic research”. In Berührung neu erfinden. Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten. Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen | Reinventing Touch. Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes., edited by Bina Elisabeth Mohn, Jutta Wiesemann, Pip Hare, and Astrid Vogelpohl, 215-25. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT.
Hare, Pip. 2023. “Sich berührt fühlen beim kamera-ethnographischen Forschen”. In Berührung neu erfinden. Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten. Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen | Reinventing Touch. Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes., 97-107. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT.
Mohn, Bina Elisabeth. 2023. “Touch in view”. In Berührung neu erfinden. Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten. Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen | Reinventing Touch. Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes., edited by Bina Elisabeth Mohn, Jutta Wiesemann, Pip Hare, and Astrid Vogelpohl. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT.
Mohn, Bina Elisabeth. 2023. “Berührung im Blick”. In Berührung neu erfinden. Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten. Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen | Reinventing Touch. Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes., 17-26. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT.
Mohn, Bina Elisabeth. 2023. Kamera-Ethnographie. Ethnographische Forschung im Modus des Zeigens. Programmatik und Praxis. Bielefeld: transcript. ISBN: 978-3-8376-3531-7. https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-3531-7/kamera-ethnographie/?c=311000174.
Mohn, Bina Elisabeth, Jutta Wiesemann, Pip Hare, and Astrid Vogelpohl, eds. 2023. Berührung neu erfinden. Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten. Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen| Reinventing Touch. Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes.. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT.
Vogelpohl, Astrid. 2023. “This is me. Getting in touch with oneself and time with media”. In Berührung neu erfinden. Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten. Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen | Reinventing Touch. Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes., edited by Bina Elisabeth Mohn, Jutta Wiesemann, Pip Hare, and Astrid Vogelpohl. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT.
Vogelpohl, Astrid, and Hoa Mai Trần. 2023. “Das bin ich. Medial vermittelt in Berührung mit sich und der Zeit treten”. In Berührung neu erfinden. Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten. Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen | Reinventing Touch. Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes., 79-87. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT.
Wiesemann, Jutta. 2023. “Reinventing touch. Introductory remarks”. In Berührung neu erfinden. Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten. Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen | Reinventing Touch. Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes., edited by Bina Elisabeth Mohn, Jutta Wiesemann, Pip Hare, and Astrid Vogelpohl. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT.
Wiesemann, Jutta. 2023. “Berührung als kooperative Praxis”. In Berührung neu erfinden. Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten. Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen | Reinventing Touch. Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes., 9-16. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT.


Bennewitz, H. & Wiesemann. 2022. “Das Runde kommt in das Eckige?! Zur Körperlichkeit von Sitzkreisen und Video-Meetings”. In Teilhabe und Ausschluss von Kindern in der Gesellschaft. Perspektiven der Kindheitsforschung, Grundschulpädagogik und Lehrer:innenbildung, edited by I. Naumann & J. Storck-Odabasi, 138-50. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa. ISBN: 978-3-7799-6742-2.
Griesecke, Birgit, and Werner Kogge. 2022. “Mit Wittgenstein Arbeiten: Ein Methoden Manual”. Working Paper Series Media of Cooperation 24.
Mohn, Bina Elisabeth. 2022. “Camera Ethnography. Learning to see something ‘as something’ and maybe ‘as something else’ as well”. In Camera Work in Trading Zones. An Epistemological Journey Between Art and Ethnography, edited by Jürgen Krusche and Barbara Preisig, 34-49. Zürich: Institute for Contemporary Art Research IFCAR, Zürich University of the Arts. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5734214.
Mohn, Bina Elisabeth. 2022. “Zeigende Ethnographie – Kamera-Ethnographie”. In Handbuch soziologische Ethnographie, edited by Angelika Poferl and Norbert Schröer, 575-91. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-26405-5_37.
Wiesemann, Jutta. 2022. “Rezension: Handbuch von Rita Braches-Chyrek, Charlotte Röhner, Jo Moran Ellis und Heinz Sünker (2022) Kindheit, Technik und das Digitale”. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 2: 201-6. https://doi.org/10.3262/ZSE2202201.


Mohn, Bina Elisabeth. 2021. “Kamera-Ethnographie. Schauen, Sehen und Wissen filmisch gestalten”. In Handbuch Filmsoziologie, edited by Alexander Geimer, Carsten Heinze, and Rainer Winter, 591-611. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-10947-9_69-2.
Wiesemann, Jutta. 2021. “Medienpraktiken der frühen Kindheit. Der familiäre Alltag des Smartphones”. ZSE Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 2021. 10.3262/ZSE2103264.


Eisenmann, Clemens. 2020. “Technosoziale Intimität. Videotelefonie im familiären Alltag mit Kindern”. In Digitale Kindheiten, edited by Jutta Wiesemann, Clemens Eisenmann, Inka Fürtig, Jochen Lange, and Bina Elisabeth Mohn. Media of Cooperation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31725-6_5 .
Flügel, Alexandra, Detlef Pech, and Jutta Wiesemann. 2020. “ Kinder am außerschulischen Lernort”. In Orte und Räume der Generationenvermittlung. Zur Praxis außerschulischen Lernens von Kindern., edited by Jutta Wiesemann, Alexandra Flügel, Swanntje Brill, and Irina Landrock. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
Hare, Pip. 2020. “Bilder hier und dort. Affektive und ethische Dimensionen meiner Forschung mit Kindern und Kameras”. In Digitale Kindheiten, edited by Jutta Wiesemann, Clemens Eisenmann, Inka Fürtig, and Jochen und Mohn Lange. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31725-6_5 .
Inka, Fürtig. 2020. “Doing media while doing family. Die Ordnung medialer Praktiken im Familienalltag”. In Digitale Kindheiten, edited by Jutta Wiesemann, Clemens Eisenmann, Inka Fürtig, Jochen Lange, and Bina Elisabeth Mohn. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31725-6_7.
Lange, Jochen. 2020. “Die Materialisierung des „Kindlichen“? Zu den Entwicklungspraktiken in der Bildungswirtschaft”. In Materialitäten der Kindheit. Körper, Räume, Dinge, edited by Sabine Bollig, Lars Alberth, and Larissa Schindler. Vol. 20. Kinder, Kindheiten, Kindheitsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-25532-9_9 .
Lange, Jochen. 2020. “Die Aufladung der Dinge. Eine digitale Analogie”. In Digitale Kindheiten, edited by Jutta Wiesemann, Clemens Eisenmann, Inka Fürtig, Jochen Lange, and Bina Elisabeth Mohn. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31725-6_3 .
Mohn, Bina E. 2020. “Unterscheiden, verbinden und teilen. Zur Resonanz und Differenz (digitaler) Medienpraktiken in der frühen Kindheit und beim Forschen”. In Digitale Kindheiten, edited by Jutta Wiesemann, Clemens Eisenmann, Inka Fürtig, Jochen Lange, and Bina Elisabeth Mohn. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31725-6_9.
Vogelpohl, Astrid. 2020. “„Willst du mit gucken?“ Intervenieren, arrangieren, etwas sichtbar machen”. In Digitale Kindheiten, edited by Jutta Wiesemann, Clemens Eisenmann, Inka Fürtig, Jochen Lange, and Bina Elisabeth Mohn. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31725-6_5.
Wiesemann, Jutta, Clemens Eisenmann, Inka Fürtig, Jochen Lange, and Bina Mohn. 2020. “Digitale Kindheiten. Kinder – Familien – Medien”. In Digitale Kindheiten, edited by Jutta Wiesemann, Clemens Eisenmann, Inka Fürtig, Jochen Lange, and Bina Mohn, 1-16. Wiesbaden: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31725-6_1.
Wiesemann, Jutta, Clemens Eisenmann, Inka Fürtig, Jochen Lange, and Bina Mohn, eds. 2020. Digitale Kindheiten. Media of Cooperation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31725-6.
Wiesemann, Jutta, Alexandra Flügel, Swanntje Brill, and Irina Landrock. 2020. Orte und Räume der Generationenvermittlung. Zur Praxis außerschulischen Lernens von Kindern.. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.


Eisenmann, Clemens, Jan Peter, and Erik Wittbusch. 2019. “Ethnomethodological Media Ethnography: Exploring Everyday Digital Practices in Families with Young Children”. Media in Action: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Cooperative Media, 2019. https://www001.zimt.uni-siegen.de/ojs/index.php/mia/article/view/50.
Mohn, Bina, Pip Hare, Astrid Vogelpohl, and Jutta Wiesemann. 2019. “Cooperation and Difference. Camera Ethnography in the Research Project ’Early Childhood and Smartphone’”. Media in Action: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Cooperative Media, 2019. https://www001.zimt.uni-siegen.de/ojs/index.php/mia/article/view/51.
Mohn, Bina, Pip Hare, Astrid Vogelpohl, and Jutta Wiesemann. 2019. Face to Face – Face to Screen. Frühe Kindheit und Medien / Early Childhood and Media. 24 kamera-ethnographische Miniaturen / 24 camera ethnographic miniatures. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT.


Mohn, Bina Elisabeth, Pip Hare, Astrid Vogelpohl, and Jutta Wiesemann. 2018. “„Das bist Du!“ Frühe Kindheit digital”. Ausstellung. Siegerlandmuseum, Siegen.
Wiesemann, Jutta, and Klaus Amann. 2018. “Co-operation is a feature of sociality, not an attribute of people”. Media in Action: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Cooperative Media 1 (3): 203-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.25819/ubsi/8288.
Wiesemann, Jutta, and Inka Fürtig. 2018. “Kindheit zwischen Smartphone und pädagogischem Schulalltag”. In Institutionalisierungen von Kindheit. Childhood studies zwischen Soziologie und Erziehungswissenschaft., edited by Tanja Betz et. al., 196-212. „Kindheiten – Neue Folge“. Weinheim/München: Beltz Juventa.


Fürtig, Inka, and Tanja Betz. 2017. “Bericht über die gemeinsame Jahrestagung „Materialitäten der Kindheit: Körper – Räume – Dinge“ der DGS-Sektionen Soziologie der Kindheit und Soziologie des Körpers und des Sports”. In , 47:220-23. 2. Trier: Universität Trier.


Lange, Jochen. 2016. “Medienkompetenzvermittlung in der Grundschule”. In Mediales Lernen. Beispiele für eine inklusive Mediendidaktik, edited by Markus Peschel, 7:105-14. Dimensionen des Sachunterrichts – Kinder. Sachen. Welten. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.


Wiesemann, Jutta. 2015. “Lernen ist eine soziale praktische Tätigkeit von Kindern”. In Lernprozessbegleitung und adaptive Lerngelegenheiten im Unterricht der Grundschule, edited by K. Liebers, B. Landwehr, A. Marquardt, and K. Schlotter, 33-46. 1. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-11346-9_3.
Wiesemann, Jutta, Clemens Eisenmann, and Inka Fürtig. 2015. “Medienpraxis in der (frühen) Kindheit. Ethnografische Exploration des familiären Smartphonegebrauchs”. merzWissenschaft 59 (6): 39-47. https://www.fachportal-paedagogik.de/literatur/vollanzeige.html?FId=1100339#vollanzeige.
Wiesemann, Jutta, and Jochen Lange. 2015. “Schülerhandeln und die Dinge des Lernens. Zum Verhältnis von Sinn und Objektgebrauch”. In Bildungspraktiken. Körper – Räume – Artefakte, edited by H. Kalthoff, T. Alkemeyer, and M. Rieger-Ladich, 261-82. Weilerswist: Velbrück. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783845277349-261.