Hector, Tim Moritz, M.A.

B06 und MGK Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Universität Siegen, Herrengarten 3, D-57072 Siegen, Room: AH-A 203, Phone: +49 (0)271 740 5254

Tim Hector is a postdoctoral researcher in project B06. In April 2024, he defended his dissertation in Applied Linguistics (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stephan Habscheid). He is a deputy member of the board of the CRC 1187.

Hector studied German language and literature with a focus on linguistics, politics and educational science in Münster and Bonn from 2012–2019. From 2015–2019 he was a student assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. Susanne Günthner at the Institute of German Studies at the University of Münster. He joined the CRC as a PhD-researcher at the beginning of 2020.

Outside of academia, Hector was (among other things) engaged as Chair of the Board of Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. from 2014-2018. He is a member of the supervisory board of UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe e.V.

  • Media Linguistics
  • Conversation Analysis
  • Human-Computer-Interaction
  • Linguistic praxeology, cultural linguistics

PhD-Project: Smart Speakers as participants in conversation? Linguistic practices in the process of domestication of media with voice-user interfaces


Edited Volumes/Issues
  • Habscheid, Stephan, Tim Hector, Dagmar Hoffmann, and David Waldecker, eds. In press/2024. Voice Assistants in Private Homes: Media, Data and Language in Interaction and Discourse. Bielefeld: transcript (= Media in Action 7).
  • Hector, Tim, David Waldecker, Niklas Strüver, and Tanja Aal, eds. 2023. Taming Digital Practices: On the Domestication of Data-Driven Technologies. Digital Culture & Society 9 (1), Thematic Issue.

Forthcoming Articles (Accepted)

  • Hector, Tim. In press/2025. “Sprachassistenzsysteme und ihre Interfaces.” In un/reale Interaktionsräume: Formen sozialer Ordnung im Spektrum medienspezifischer Interaktion, edited by Clara Kindler-Mathôt, Didem Leblebici, Giacomo Marinsalta, Till Rückwart, and Anna Zaglyadnova. Bielefeld: transcript.
  • Habscheid, Stephan, Tim Hector, and Christine Hrncal. In press/2024. “Linguistic Practices as a Means of Domesticating Voice-Controlled Assistance Technologies.” In Voice Assistants in Private Homes: Media, Data and Language in Interaction and Discourse, edited by Stephan Habscheid, Tim Hector, Dagmar Hoffmann, and David Waldecker. Bielefeld: transcript, 207–239.
  • Habscheid, Stephan, Dagmar Hoffmann, Tim Hector, and David Waldecker. In press/2024. “Voice Assistants in Private Homes: Introduction to the Volume.” In Voice Assistants in Private Homes: Media, Data and Language in Interaction and Discourse, edited by Stephan Habscheid, Tim Hector, Dagmar Hoffmann, and David Waldecker. Bielefeld: transcript, 9–29.

Published Articles

  • Hector, Tim Moritz, and Christine Hrncal. 2024. “Sprachassistenzsysteme in der Interaktion“. In Sprache und digitale Kommunikation, edited by Jannis Androutsopoulos und Friedemann Vogel, 309-328. Handbücher Sprachwissen 23. Berlin: de Gruyter. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110744163-015
  • Hector, Tim, David Waldecker, Niklas Strüver, and Tanja Aal, eds. 2023. Taming Digital Practices: On the Domestication of Data-Driven TechnologiesDigital Culture & Society 9 (1). 
  • Waldecker, David, and Tim Hector. 2023. “Taming digital practices: A praxeological approach towards domestication of connected devices and services. Introduction to the thematic issue”. Digital Culture & Society. 9 (1): 5–22. Thematic issue: Taming Digital Practices: On the Domestication of Data-Driven Technologies, edited by Tim Hector, David Waldecker, Niklas Strüver, and Tanja Aal. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14361/dcs-2023-090102
  • Waldecker, David, Tim Hector, and Dagmar Hoffmann. 2023. “Intelligent Personal Assistants in practice. Situational agencies and the multiple forms of cooperation without consensus”. Convergence 30 (3): 975–91. Special issue: Agency in a Datafied Society, edited by Stephan O. Görland, Cindy Roitsch, and Andreas Hepp. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/13548565231189584
  • Habscheid, Stephan, Tim Hector, and Christine Hrncal. 2023. “Human and non-human agency as practical accomplishment: Interactional occasions for ascription and withdrawal of (graduated) agency in the use of smart-speaker-technology”. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality 6 (1): 1–31. Special issue: Situated agency in digitally artifacted social interactions, edited by Samira Ibnelkaïd und Iuliia Avgustis. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7146/si.v6i1.137378.
  • Hector, Tim. 2022. “Smart Speaker in der Praxis: Methodologische Überlegungen zur medienlinguistischen Erforschung stationärer Sprachassistenzsysteme”. Sprache und Literatur 51 (2): 197–229. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30965/25890859-05002021
  • Hector, Tim, Franziska Niersberger-Gueye, Franziska Petri, and Christine Hrncal. 2022. “The ‘Conditional Voice Recorder’: Data practices in the co-operative advancement and implementation of data-collection technology”. Working Paper Series Media of Cooperation 23: 1–15. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25819/ubsi/10168.
  • Habscheid, Stephan, Tim Moritz Hector, Christine Hrncal, and David Waldecker. 2021. “Intelligente Persönliche Assistenten (IPA) mit Voice User Interfaces (VUI) als ‚Beteiligte‘ in häuslicher Alltags­interaktion. Welchen Aufschluss geben die Protokolldaten der Assistenzsysteme?”. Journal für Medienlinguistik 4 (1): 16–53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21248/jfml.2021.44
  • Hector, Tim Moritz, and Christine Hrncal. 2020. “Intelligente Persönliche Assistenten im häuslichen Umfeld. Erkenntnisse aus einer linguistischen Pilotstudie zur Erhebung audiovisueller Interaktionsdaten”. Working Paper Series Media of Cooperation 14: 1-14. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25819/ubsi/1013.
  • König, Katharina, and Tim Moritz Hector. 2019. “Neue Medien – neue Mündlichkeit? Zur Dialogizität von Sprachnachrichten”. In Interaktion und Medien. Interaktionsanalytische Zugänge zu medienvermittelter Kommunikation, herausgegeben von Konstanze Marx und Axel Schmidt. Heidelberg, 59–84.
  • König, Katharina, and Tim Hector. 2017. “Zur Theatralität von WhatsApp-Sprachnachrichten. Nutzungskontexte von Audio-Postings in der mobilen Messenger-Kommunikation”. Networx 79: 1–41. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15488/2970

Other publications

  • Hector, Tim. 2024. Rezension zu: Sascha Michel: Mediatisierungslinguistik. Theorie und Fallanalysen zur Kommunikation von Politiker*innen am Beispiel von Twitter. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 72(1): 99-100. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5771/1615-634X-2024-1-94.
  • Hrncal, Christine, and Tim Moritz Hector. 2022. “Tagungsbericht: Sequence Analysis in Linguistics and Social Theory, 29.10.2021 – 30.10.2021, digital”. H-Soz-Kult, 21.01.2022  (Link).
  • Hector, Tim, und Niklas Strüver. 2021. “Opening Keynote by Jean Lave ‘Re-Situating Learning: Historical/Political Dis/Unities of Practice’”. Report on the Keynote by Jean Lave at the annual conference of the CRC Media of Cooperation, University of Siegen (Link).
  • Von Peinen, Carola, Tim Hector, and Annika Behrendt. 2019. “Alle für Einen – Partizipative Rekrutierung bei der Organisation Wikimedia”. In CSR und Social Enterprise. Beeinflussungsprozesse und effektives Schnittstellenmanagement, edited by Alexander Kraemer and Laura-Marie Edinger-Schons. Berlin, 189–195.
  • Hector, Tim Moritz. 2017. „Nutzungskontexte und Dialogizität von WhatsApp-Sprachnachrichten“. StudSpIn – Studentische Arbeitspapierreihe Sprache und Interaktion 27.

Conference presentations

  • 21.11.2024: Hector, Tim / Habscheid, Stephan: “Smart Homes in Interaction: Language, Body, and Senses in Private Households”. Workshop: “Interacting with everyday technologies across the lifespan”, Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim.
  • 15.11.2024: Hector, Tim / Strüver, Niklas „,We are a family now‘ On the Perception of Infrastructure and Agency in Smart Homes“. Annual Conference of the CRC Media of Cooperation – “Scaling Sensing – Sensing Publics: Landscapes and Borders, Homes and Bodies”, Panel: Sensing Homes, University of Siegen. 
  • 08.11.2024: Habscheid, Stephan / Hector, Tim / Hoffmann, Dagmar / Strüver, Niklas: “Sensing and Sensoring in Private Homes: The Smart Airfryer as a Case Study for Human and Non-Human Sensing in Interaction”, Conference “Machine – Body – Space. The Accomplishment and Entanglement of Human and Non-Human Sensing”, CRC Media of Cooperation, University of Siegen.
  • 25.10.2024: Hector, Tim: “Praxeologie für die Medienlinguistik. Eine Bestandsaufnahme”. Workshop “Sprache und Praxistheorie”, TU Chemnitz.
  • 27.09.2024: Hector, Tim: “Intentionalitätszuschreibungen bei der Deutung reparaturbedürftiger
    Stellen im Dialog mit Voice User Interfaces“. 17th International International Congress of the German Society for Semiotics – “Signs. Cultures. Digitality”, Section Linguistics, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (Campus Landau).
  • 19.04.2024: Hector, Tim: Project Presentation: “Un-/desired Observation in Interaction: Smart Environments, Language, Body, and Senses in Private Households”. Workshop of COST-Action-Netwerk “Language in the Human-Machine Era”, Working Groups “Ideologies, Beliefs, Attitudes” & “Language variation, pragmatics, and interaction”, University of Tartu, Estonia.
  • 21.03.2024: Hector, Tim: “Joint Journeys. On the Linguistic Construction of Domestic AI-culture Around Smart Speakers”. Inaugural STSing Conference, Technische Universität Dresden [online].
  • 13.10.2023: Strüver, Niklas / Hector, Tim: “Meant for the whole household: Self-characterizations of residential communities in the setup of a smart speaker”. Symposium “Revisiting Domestication of Media and Technology”, University of the Arts (UdK), Berlin.
  • 14.07.2023: Habscheid, Stephan / Hector, Tim / Hrncal, Christine: “(A)typical use of smart speakers: Usage patterns of stationary voice assistants during the process of domestication”. 18th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA) 2023, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brüssel.
  • 24.05.2023: Waldecker, David / Volmar, Axel / Hector, Tim / Hrncal, Christine: “What Was the Smart Speaker? On the Limited Success of Voice as the Next Domestic User Interface”. Conference: “Technolinguistics in Practice: Socially Situating Language in AI Systems”, CRC Media of Cooperation, University of Siegen.
  • 09.05.2023: Habscheid, Stephan / Hector, Tim: “Smart Speakers in Private Households: Linguistic Practices as a Means of Domesticating Voice-controlled Technologies”. Conference “Voice Assistants in Private Homes: Media, Data and Language in Interaction und Discourse”, CRC Media of Cooperation, University of Siegen.
  • 30.03.2023: Hector, Tim: “Joint Journeys. On the Linguistic Construction of Domestic AI-Culture Around Smart Speakers.” Conference “AI Technology as Interactional Human Culture: Language, Data Practice and Social Struggle”, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder.
  • 04.11.2022: Merkle, Benedikt / Hector, Tim: “Archive der Spracherkennung: Verhaltensüberschuss oder Funktionsoptimierung?” Conference: “un:reale Interaktionsräume. Formen sozialer Ordnung im Spektrum medienspezifischer Interaktion”. Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften (ZeM) / University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FH Potsdam).
  • 06.07.2022: Hector, Tim: “Smart Speaker in der Interaktion: Sprachliche Praktiken bei der Installation und Nutzung von Sprachassistenzsystemen im Privathaushalt.” Colloquium Communication Studies, Institute for Communication Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen. 
  • 05.05.2022: Merkle, Benedikt / Hector, Tim: “‘Alexa, Stop!’ Die Beredsamkeit symbolischer Ausdrücke in der Interaktion mit IPAs.” Conference “Akustische Interfaces”, hosted by working groups „Interfaces“, „Auditive Kultur und Sound Studies“ and „Medienwissenschaft und Dis/Ability Studies“, Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM), Humboldt-University Berlin.
  • 15.12.2021: Habscheid, Stephan / Hector, Tim / Hrncal, Christine: “Dialogue management in socio-technical interaction – IPA in everyday life.” Online series of talks “Voice- and Touch-controlled Technology in Social Interaction. Using, Adapting and Evaluationg.” Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim [online].
  • 28.07.2021: Waldecker, David / Hector, Tim / Hoffmann, Dagmar: ”Intelligent Personal Assistants, Human Agency and the Multiple Forms of Cooperation without Consensus.” Conference “Agency in a Datafied Society: Communication between and across humans, platforms and machines.” Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI), Bremen [online].
  • 28.06.2021: Habscheid, Stephan / Hector, Tim / Hrncal, Christine: “Un-/desired Observation in Interaction: Smart speakers as objects of domestic negotiation.” 17th International Pragmatics Conference 2021. Winterthur, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) [online].
  • 06.05.2021: Hector, Tim: “Ethnomethodologie – Konversationsanalyse – Praxeologie? Methodologische Überlegungen am Beispiel von Dialogen mit Sprachassistenten.” Geomedia-Conference 2021 “Off the Grid”, CRC Media of Cooperation/Graduate School Locating Media, University of Siegen [online].
  • 24.03.2021: Habscheid, Stephan / Hector, Tim / Hrncal, Christine: Project Presentation – Un/erbetene Beobachtung in Interaktion: „Intelligente Persönliche Assistenten“ (IPA). 22. Arbeitstagung Gesprächsforschung 2021. Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim [online].
  • 20.01.2021: Hector, Tim / Hrncal, Christine / Waldecker, David: “Un/erbetene Beobachtung in Interaktion – Datenpraktiken in der Smart-Speaker-Nutzung.” Online-Lecture Series “Interrogating Data Practices”, CRC Media of Cooperation, University of Siegen [online].
  • 17.05.2018: Hector, Tim / König, Katharina: “Die linguistische Analyse mobiler Messenger-Kommunikation – Methodische Herausforderungen am Beispiel von WhatsApp-Sprachnachrichten”. Opening Conference for the Journal for Media Linguistics. Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim.
  • 08.09.2017: König, Katharina / Hector, Tim: “Zur Inszenierung von Lokalität in WhatsApp-Sprachnachrichten.” Sektionentagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik 2017, Basel, Schweiz.
  • 30.03.2017: König, Katharina / Hector, Tim: “Zur Dialogizität von WhatsApp-Sprachnachrichten“, Vortrag bei der 20. Arbeitstagung zur Gesprächsforschung zum Thema „Interaktion und Medien”, Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim

(Co-)Organisation of Conferences & Workshops

  • 07./.08.11.2024: Ko-Organisation der Konferenz „Machine – Body – Space. The Accomplishment and Entanglement of Human and Non-Human Sensing.“, together with Stephan Habscheid, Lorenza Mondada, Clemens Eisenmann, Philippe Sormani und Niklas Strüver. CRC Media of Cooperation, University of Siegen.
  • 08./09.05.2023: Ko-Organisation der Konferenz „Voice Assistants in Privates Homes: Media, Data and Language in Interaction und Discourse“, together with Stephan Habscheid, Dagmar Hoffmann and David Waldecker, CRC Media of Cooperation, University of Siegen.
  • 07./08.02.2022: Co-Organisation of the workshop  „Taming Digital Practices – on the domestication of data-driven technologies“, together with Tanja Aal, Niklas Strüver and David Waldecker, CRC Media of Cooperation, University of Siegen [online].
  • 07./08.05.2021: Co-Organisation of the 3rd „Doktorand*innen-Netzwerk Gesprächsforschung“-meetup, together with Svenja Heuser; URL: https://dokgf.wordpress.com/3-dokgf-treffen-online/ [online]