Schmedes, Hannah, M.A.
B09 ResearcherRuhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150
D-44801 Bochum
Since 04/2024 | Research assistant (PhD) in the Project B09 Bicycle Media |
10/2022 - 03/2024 | Research assistant (PhD) at the DFG Research Training Group "The Documentary. Excess and Privation", Ruhr-University Bochum |
03/2021 – 09/2022 | Office Management, ZeM - Brandenburg Center for Media Studies, Potsdam |
- Gender & Media
- Intersectionality & mobility
- Internet history & cyber-/technofeminism
- (Queer-)feminist infrastructural critique
Containment: Technologies of Holding, Filtering, Leaking. Edited by Marie-Luise Angerer, Ingrid Richardson and Zoë Sofoulis. Lüneburg: meson press (forthcoming).
“-1.153 Characters. Towards a Queerfeminist Infrastructural Critique of Wikipedia”, in: FKW // Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung und Visuelle Kultur 74, ed. Elke Krasny, Sophie Lingg and Claudia Lomoschitz (forthcoming).
“Am Saum des Sichtbaren. Eine Annäherung an Feministische Server”, in: Automatisierte Zuwendung. Affektive Medien – Sensible Medien – Fürsorgende Medien (AugenBlick – Konstanzer Hefte zur Medienwissenschaft 85), ed. Bernd Bösel. Marburg 2022.
“The im:permeable Sieve. Following Gendered Imaginaries of Containers and Leaks”, in: Liquidity, Flows, Circulation. The Cultural Logic of Environmentalization, ed. Mathias Denecke, Holger Kuhn and Milan Stürmer. Berlin: Diaphanes 2022.
“A Laboratory for Living Off-World: Re-narrating Biosphere 2”, in: Earth and Beyond in Tumultuous Times. A Critical Atlas of the Anthropocene, ed. Petra Löffler and Réka Gál, Meson Press: Lüneburg 2021.