Holdermann, Simon, Dr.
Associate Member and former Researcher B04Universität zu Köln
Institut für Ethnologie
50923 Köln
Simon Holdermann first studied Cultural and Social Anthropology and General Religious Studies at the University of Münster (B.A.) and then Ethnology at the University of Cologne (M.A.), with stays abroad at Uppsala Universitet, Sweden and the University of California, Berkeley, USA.
- Media and technological anthropology
- Economic anthropology
- Ethnography and practice theory
- Postcolonial theory and development
- North Africa/Mediterranean region
- Holdermann, S. (n.d.) Scaling Change, (Un)Making Connections: Entanglements of Development, Media, and Publicness in the High Atlas, Morocco (PhD Thesis).
- Holdermann, S. (2019). Co-operation and/as Participant Observation: Reflections on Ethnographic Fieldwork in Morocco. Media in Action (1/2019).
- Holdermann, S., & Aal, K. (2019). Wie dekolonial kann Kooperation sein? TATuP Zeitschrift Für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie Und Praxis, 28(2), 17–22.
- Rüller, S., Aal, K., & Holdermann, S. (2019). Reflections on a Design Case Study - (Educational) ICT Intervention with Imazighen in Morocco. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communities & Technologies - Transforming Communities - C&T ’19 (pp. 172–177). Vienna, Austria: ACM Press. https://doi.org/10.1145/3328320.3328406
- Holdermann, S., Lange, C., Schmischke, J., & Zeineddine, S. (2018). Das Flurgespräch als ethnographisches Feld. Retrieved from https://blog.uni-koeln.de/gssc-whatsinaname/2018/07/31/das-flurgespraech-als-ethnographisches-feld/