Gerlitz, Carolin, Prof. Dr.

A03 and MGK Principal Investigator, Speaker of the SFB

Universität Siegen, Herrengarten 3, 57072 Siegen, Raum: AH-A 214, Telefon: +49(0)271-740-5181

Carolin Gerlitz is Professor for Digital Media and Methods at the University of Siegen. From 2012-2016 she was Assistant Professor in New Media & Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam. Her research explores the various intersections between digital media, methods and economic sociology, with a specific interest web economies, platform and software studies, apps, brands, value, topology, measurement, numeracy, social media, digital (social) methods and issue mapping online.

Together with Tristan Thielmann, Carolin Gerlitz coordinates project 'A03 Navigation in Online and Offline Media'. She also holds a 4 year NWO Veni grant for her project 'Numbering Life. Measures and Metrics in Digital Media'. She is involved in the research initiative ‘Popular Cultures’ at the University of Siegen and Member of the Digital Methods Initiative Amsterdam.

  • Digital media technologies
  • Inventive methodologies for media research
  • Digital methods
  • Platform studies
  • Social media
  • App studies
  • Valuation
  • Media of calculation
  • Economic sociology
  • Quantification and metrics
  • Data
  • Infrastructure studies
  • Sensor media
  • Issue mapping
  • (2022) Burkhardt, M., D. van Geenen, C. Gerlitz, S. Hind, T. Kaerlein, D. Lämmerhirt, and A. Volmar (eds.). Interrogating Datafication: Towards a Praxeology of Data. Bielefeld: transcript.
  • (2021) Döring, J., N. Werber, V. Albrecht-Birkner, C. Gerlitz, T. Hecken, J. Paßmann, J. Schäfer, C. Schubert, D. Stein, and J. Venus. „Was bei vielen Beachtung findet: Zu den Transformationen des Populären.” Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift 2 (6. Jg.): 1–24.
  • (2020) Gerlitz, C. and E. Weltevrede. „What happens to ANT, and its emphasis on the socio-material grounding of the social, in digital sociology?.” In: A. Blok, I. Farias, and C. Roberts (eds.). The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory, 345–356. London: Routledge.
  • (2019) Gerlitz, C., A. Helmond, F. N. van der Vlist, and E. Weltevrede. „Regramming the Platform: Infrastructural Relations between Apps and Social Media.” Computational Culture – A Journal of Software Studies 7.
  • (2019) Gerlitz C., A. Helmond, D. B. Nieborg and F. N. van der Vlist. „Apps and Infrastructures: A Research Agenda.” Computational Culture – A Journal of Software Studies 7.
  • (2019) Dieter, M., G. Gerlitz, A. Helmond, N. Tkacz, F. N. van der Vlist, and E. Weltevrede. „Multi-Situated App Studies: Methods and Propositions.” Social Media + Society 5(2): 1-15.
  • (2018) Gray, J., C. Gerlitz, and L. Bounegru. „Data infrastructure literacy.“ Big Data & Society 5(2): 1–13.
  • (2018) Gerlitz, C. and B. Rieder. „Tweets are not created equal: Investigating Twitter's Client Ecosystem.“ International Journal of Communication 11: 528–547.
  • (2018) Marres, N. and C. Gerlitz. „Social Media as Experiments in Sociality.“ In: M. Guggenheim, N. Marres, and A. Wilckie (eds.) Inventing the Social, 253–283. Manchester: Mattering Press.
  • (2018) Dieter, M., C. Gerlitz, A. Helmond, N. Tkacz, F. N. van der Vlist, and E. Weltevrede. „Store, interface, package, connection.“ In SFB 1187 Medien der Kooperation Working Paper Series 4: 1–16.
  • (2017) Gerlitz, C. „Retrieving.“ In: C. Lury (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Research Methods, Chap. 2.10. London: Routledge.
  • (2017) Passmann, J. and C. Gerlitz. „Popularisation of a Digital Media Practice On the History and Aesthetics of Knolling.“ LiLi, die Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 47(3): 375–393.
  • (2017) Gerlitz, C. „Interfacing Attachments: The Multivalence of Brands.“ In: K. Hetherington, P. Harvey and T. Bennett (eds.) Charisma and the Arts of Market Attachment, 72–88. London: Routledge.
  • (2017) Gerlitz, C. „Data Point Critique.“ In: M. Schäfer and K. van Es (eds.) The Datafied Society: Studying Culture through Data, 241–244. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
  • (2015) Marres, N. and C. Gerlitz. „Interface Methods. Renegotiating relations between digital research, STS and Sociology.“ Sociological Review. Online first:, [18.12.2015].
  • (2014) Gerlitz, C. and B. Rieder. „Data–Mining von einem Prozent Twitter – Sammlungen, Basislinien, Stichproben.“ In: R. Reichert (ed.) Big Data Reader, 203-220. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. 
  • (2014) Paßmann, J. and C. Gerlitz. „‚Good‘ platform-political reasons for ‚bad‘ platform-data. Zur sozio-technischen Geschichte der Plattform¬aktivitä-ten Fav, Retweet und Like.“ Media Kontrolle. URL:
  • (2014) Weltevrede, E., A. Helmond and C. Gerlitz. „The Politics of Real-time: A Device Perspective on Social Media Platforms and Search Engines.“ Theory, Culture & Society 31(6): 125–150.
  • (2014) Gerlitz, C. and C. Lury. „Social media and self-evaluating assemblages: on numbers, orderings and values.“ Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory 15(2): 174–188.
  • (2013) Gerlitz, C. and B. Rieder. „Mining One Percent of Twitter: Collections, Baselines, Sampling.“ M/C Journal 16(2): 1–18.
  • (2013) Gerlitz, C. and A. Helmond. „The Like economy: Social buttons and the data-intensive web.“ New Media & Society, 15(8): 1348–1365.
  • (2011) Gerlitz, C. „Die Like Economy. Digitaler Raum, Daten und Wertschöpfung.“ In: Leistert and Röhle (eds.), Generation Facebook. Über das Leben im Social Net, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. (Book chapter)
  • (2011) Gerlitz, C. and A. Helmond, A. Hit, Link, Like and Share. Organizing the social and the fabric of the web in a Like economy. Conference proceedings Digital Methods Initiative Winter Conference, 24–25 January 2011.
  • (2004) Kemmler, S., C. Gerlitz, J. Ballentin and S. Emrich (eds.). Die Depression der Werbung. Berlin: Business Village Verlag (Edited Collection).