SFB 1187 ›Medien der Kooperation‹ an der Universität Siegen
Workshop: “Critical Whiteness – Perspectives and Positioning for Everyday University Life” (with KARFI)
Friday, 03 June 2022, 9 - 1 pm

Critical Whiteness – Perspectives and Positioning for Everyday University Life

University is not a neutral space but should be particularly committed to a critical engagement with social injustices. Since attacks on Black people, people of Color, Jewish people, people with a migration and/or refugee history in Germany are even in 2022 not at all unusual, critical perspectives on racism are needed in all teaching and learning contexts.

How to deal with racist remarks made by colleagues, teachers, students, or friends? What options regarding racism-critical academic work and learning do I have?

This workshop aims to address different mechanisms of racism, especially concerning an academic environment, to provide space to put individual experiences with racism into context. For further discussion, Critical Whiteness as a concept, attitude and position will be introduced and worked with.

Even though this workshop is conceptualized as an introduction, it is thought to offer many points of connection to persons who are in different stage of their anti-racist development/ who already have experience in antiracist work.

For a part of this workshop, separate spaces will be offered by the speakers to provide room for exchange for participants with personal experiences of racial discrimination (Black persons and persons of Color who are not considered white and German) and participants with experiences of discrimination due to their biography of (family) migration.


KARFI – Black Collective for Empowerment and Racism-Critical Education

“Empowerment against and raising awareness on racism is how the work of KARFI can be described best. As an association of three Black women, the educational collective offers workshops, lectures, and process support on living and working critically of racism. KARFI combines perspectives from counseling and educational practice, critical social sciences, and Black political activism.”



Nadine Golly, Ilinda Bendler (2021): „Empowerment. Selbstermächtigung. Ein politisches und emanzipatives Konzept zur Schaffung eigener Räume und Narrative.“ In: Karim Fereidooni / Stefan E. Hößl (Hg.): Rassismuskritische Bildungsarbeit. Reflexionen zu Theorie und Praxis. Wochenschau Verlag.

Ilinda Bendler, Laura Digoh-Ersoy, Nadine Golly (2019): „Wechselnde Allianzen – rassismuskritische Bildungsarbeit in einem Schwarzen Bündnis.“ In: Jule Bönkost (Hg.): Unteilbar. Bündnisse gegen Rassismus. Unrast Verlag.


Registration via Juliane Biewald (juliane.biewald@student.uni-siegen.de)

