SFB 1187 ›Medien der Kooperation‹ an der Universität Siegen
Lecture Series „Data Practices“ – Ronja Trischler & André Sekulla (Siegen): „Data Practices in Infrastructual Media: Salesforce and Blockchain“
Tuesday, 18. December 2018, 18:00-20:00 Uhr
Ronja Trischer (Siegen) on „Data Practices in Infrastructual Media: Salesforce and Blockchain“
The paper discusses practices of cooperation via blockchain technology and the practical challenges which occur if the socio-technical conditions of cooperation are decentralized by the use of blockchain. The ongoing industrialization of blockchain technology produces different cooperative formats and actors: rather than thinking about „the“ blockchain, we should assume „blockchains“ in the plural when looking at the conditions of cooperation. Thus, the paper asks on the basis of contrasting case studies: which practices produce and organize decentralization in each case? How can social actors and actants participate in these practices – and how can researchers observe them?
André Sekulla (Siegen) on „Data Practices in Infrastructual Media: Salesforce and Blockchain“
With the publication of the Bitcoin, blockchain technology gained the interest of many people. Decentralized organizations and structures could be supported with it and act as an alternative to centralized platforms. Furthermore, blockchain technology could possibly introduce new kinds of collaboration. In this lecture, an introduction to the blockchain technology will be given, with a focus on how data is created and stored in the blockchain. Additionally, a use case will be explained with a view on socio-technical aspects.
The lecture series on “Data Practices” explores data “in motion”, both theoretically, empirically and methodology. The proliferation of data-intensive media requires researchers to develop their conceptual vocabulary and socio-technical understanding of data production, calculation and their underlying practices and infrastructures. Throughout the lecture series, we ask how a praxeological account can enable us to account for the movement and transformation of data. We consider data practices as those practices involved in the making, calculation, storage, accounting and valuation of data among others which are socio-material and entangled with infrastructures. The lecture series is jointly organised by the DFG graduate school “Locating Media” and the DFG cooperative research centre “Media of Cooperation”.


Universität Siegen
Campus Herrengarten
AH - A 217/18
Herrengarten 3
57072 Siegen

