SFB 1187 ›Medien der Kooperation‹ an der Universität Siegen
Workshop “Sensing the sensor: exploring and mapping the situational dimensions of sensory media and data”
Monday, 28 November 2022 - Tuesday, 29 November 2022

In this 1 ½ day hybrid workshop, we suggest approaching mobile sensing technologies and practices through thinking of them as multiply situated (cf. Dieter et al., 2019): Sensor data is subject to and originates in specific sensing situations, whilst being entangled in and having the capacity to sense and capture information about such situations. We start from the observation that sensor data can only be understood in situated ways that take its distributed accomplishment involving computational capacities, hardware, geolocations, practices, and users into account.

The workshop revolves around an empirical exploration of sensor data enabled and collected through mobile activity tracking apps such as Strava and Google Fit, employing novel “sensory digital methods”, the tools AppInspect and AppTraffic (Chao et al., expected 2022). In doing so, the workshop explicitly engages with the ways in which such methods interface the study of the social and more technical work on the media at stake, and thus, how “sensory digital methods” tools also interface the interdisciplinary cooperation between diverse researchers with more and less computational skills. Finally, this workshop is interested in carving out analytical mapping approaches (cf. Clarke, 2005 in Marres, 2020) for the quite heterogeneous situational dimensions addressed in this investigation.

It is possible also to attend parts of the workshop, participating in the workshop and/or discussions. Participation on location (Herrengarten 3, Siegen) and online (Zoom) is possible. Please contact Daniela van Geenen to register.


Universität Siegen
Campus Herrengarten
AH-A 217/18