SFB 1187 ›Medien der Kooperation‹ an der Universität Siegen
Re-Envisioning Visual Order: Media Practices and Motor Movement in the Extreme – Workshop with Niklas Woermann
Thursday, 10 June 2021, 16:00 - 18:00

Workshop “Re-Envisioning Visual Order. Media Practices and Motor Movement in the Extreme” – Niklas Woermann

Vision and motor movement are deeply intertwined at a phenomenological and even neuroscientific level, and visual order is a foundational dimension of situated interaction order more generally. This premise will offer a vantage point for this workshop to cast a fresh gaze upon contemporary visual practices which, far beyond just depicting semiotic structures, are being amalgamated into human activity. Analyzing two extreme cases of mediatized sports – freeskiing and esport – I will discuss the accomplishment of presence and style as phenomena of visual order rooted in both movement and media practices. Some implications for contemporary practice thought in general, and ethnomethodology in particular, are suggested for debate.
The respective zoom link will be sent via the CRC mailing list one week in advance.