SFB 1187 ›Medien der Kooperation‹ an der Universität Siegen
Lecture Series “Data Practices” – Hendrik Bender & Magdalena Götz (Siegen): “Distributed Research: Drones, Media Art & Collecting Data“
Tuesday, 13 November 2018, 18:00-20:00
Hendrik Bender & Magdalena Götz (Siegen): on “Distributed Research: Drones, Media Art & Collecting Data”
A jumping drone that cheats your fitness tracker, a button that invites you to cause a drone strike and two drone lovers that strive for freedom in a system that holds them captivated: drones and media art are “more than meets the eye”. Defined by highly dispersed practices, their sensing, aesthetics and data are produced and shaped by distribution.
Presenting artworks of the jointly curated exhibition «different eyes: a drone art exhibition» and drawing on notions of “distributed sensing” and “distributed aesthetics” the talk focuses on drones, media art and data in distributed research settings.
We critically ask: How is it possible to collect and account for data and data practices when they are highly distributed? What challenges does the distribution pose for our research? What kind of data can be sensed and captured, and which cannot? Which methods and measurements are useful and what cannot be quantified?
The lecture series on “Data Practices” explores data “in motion”, both theoretically, empirically and methodology. The proliferation of data-intensive media requires researchers to develop their conceptual vocabulary and socio-technical understanding of data production, calculation and their underlying practices and infrastructures. Throughout the lecture series, we ask how a praxeological account can enable us to account for the movement and transformation of data. We consider data practices as those practices involved in the making, calculation, storage, accounting and valuation of data among others which are socio-material and entangled with infrastructures. The lecture series is jointly organised by the DFG graduate school “Locating Media” and the DFG cooperative research centre “Media of Cooperation”.


Universität Siegen
Campus Herrengarten
AH - A 217/18
Herrengarten 3
57072 Siegen




Prof. Dr. Carolin Gerlitz

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