SFB 1187 ›Medien der Kooperation‹ an der Universität Siegen
Exhibition: Reinventing Touch. Sensory practices in digital childhoods
Saturday, 13 May 2023 - Saturday, 17 June 2023

Ausstellung Berührung Neu Erfinden

13 May – 17 June 2023
Thursdays to Saturdays 14:00 – 18:00

Vernissage on Siegen Open University Day (“Tag der offenen Uni”), 13.5.2023 from 16:00
Special opening hours:
Family Day on 15.5, Digital Day on 16.6.

What happens to touch when we come together digitally? Does it get lost, or altered, or is it set loose to wander between and among the senses? Where humans interact with digital devices, the limits of what can be understood as touch appear to be shifting. Those unstable limits can be studied, probed, und experienced in the exhibition “Reinventing touch”: a camera ethnographic Blicklabor (laboratory of gazes) in which hands, heads, arms, faces, voices, earth, and glass interact as media of touch. The exhibited video installations provoke reflection on and reconsideration of touch, the senses, and digital media. Their protagonists are children for whom the digital is an integral part of everyday life – a generation that never experienced the analogue “old days”, and never will. Perhaps now is the time to ask whether touch is currently undergoing reinvention – in early childhood and beyond.

An exhibition by the camera ethnographic research team Bina E. Mohn, Pip Hare, and Astrid Vogelpohl together with Jutta Wiesemann, PI of the research project “Early Childhood and Smartphone“ beim Sonderforschungsbereich „Medien der Kooperation“ within the collaborative research centre 1187 “Media of Cooperation”, University of Siegen, Germany. Realised in collaboration with greinerdesign and hosted by the Haus der Wissenschaft, Siegen.


Haus der Wissenschaft
Villa Sauer
Obergraben 23
57072 Siegen

