Philippe Sormani (PhD in Sociology) is a senior researcher at the Special Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1187 “Media of Cooperation” at the University of Siegen, former co-director of the Science and Technology Studies Lab at the University of Lausanne, and associated member of the CEMS-EHESS in Paris. Drawing on and developing ethnomethodology, he has published on experimentation in and across different fields of activity, ranging from experimental physics (in Respecifying Lab Ethnography, 2014) to artistic experiments (in Practicing Art/Science, 2018) and infrastructure maintenance (in Repair Work Ethnographies, 2019). Currently, he is experimenting with ‘DIY AI’, educational technology, and media studies, in view of a new book.
- Social studies of science, technology and media
- Ethnography, ethnomethodology, video analysis
- Epistemology of social sciences, interdisciplinarity and artistic practices
- Sormani, Philippe. 2023. „Interfacing AlphaGo: Embodied Play, Object Agency, and Algorithmic Drama“. Social Studies of Science 53(5): 686–711.
- Marres, Noortje, und Philippe Sormani. 2023. „KI Testen: ,Do We Have a Situation?’“. Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 29(2): 86–102.
- Sormani, Philippe, und Dirk vom Lehn, Hrsg. 2023. The Anthem Companion to Harold Garfinkel. Anthem Companions to Sociology. London: Anthem.
- Sormani, Philippe. 2022. „Recovering the Work of a Discovering Science with a Video Camera in Hand: The Electronically Probed/Visually Discovered Spectrum“. In The Ethnomethodology Program. Legacies and Prospects, herausgegeben von Douglas W. Maynard und John Heritage, 322-47. Oxford; New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Sormani, Philippe. 2020. „Reenactment as a Research Strategy: From Performance Art to Video Analysis and Back Again“. In Dialogues between Artistic Research and Science and Technology Studies, herausgegeben von Henk Borgdorff, Pinch Trevor, und Peter Peters, 184–200. Art & Visual Culture Series. London; New York, NY: Routledge. DOI
- Sormani, Philippe, Carbone, Guelfo und Priska Gisler, Hrsg. 2018. Practicing Art/Science: Experiments in a New Field. London & New York: Routledge.
- Sormani, Philippe. 2016 [2014]. Respecifying Lab Ethnography: An Ethnomethodological Study of Experimental Physics. London & New York: Routledge.