Rawls, Anne Warfield, Prof. Dr.
P01 TeilprojektleiterinUniversität Siegen, Herrengarten 3, 57072 Siegen, Raum: AH-A 213
Anne Warfield Rawls is Professor of Sociology, Bentley University, Professor of Socio-Informatics, Siegen University and Director of the Garfinkel Archive. Teaching social and interactional theory for over forty years Professor Rawls has also written extensively on Durkheim and Garfinkel, explaining their argument that equality is needed to ground practices in democratic publics, and showing how inequality interferes with the cooperation necessary to successfully engage in complex practices. She has documented the latter point through research on interaction between race/cultural groups. Publications include “Discovering Culture in Interaction: Solving Problems in Cultural Sociology by Recovering the Interactional Side of Parsons’ Conception of Culture”, American Journal of Cultural Sociology (2019); “Introduction to Garfinkel’s ‘Notes on Language Games’: Language events as Cultural Events in ‘Systems of Interaction’”, European Journal of Social Theory (2019); “The Wartime Narrative in US Sociology 1940-1947: Stigmatizing Qualitative Sociology in the Name of “Science” (2018), European Journal of Social Theory; “An Essay on the Intrinsic Relationship between Social Facts and Moral Questions”. Canadian Journal of Sociology, (2017); Durkheim’s Epistemology (Cambridge, 2008); and, La Division du Travail Revisited: Vers une Théorie Sociologique de la Justice (2019, Bord de l’eau, an English version of which is under contract with Routledge).
Professor Rawls has also edited many volumes of Garfinkel’s work including Parsons Primer (2019), for which she edited and co-authored the introduction with Jason Turowetz, The History of Gulfport Field 1942, Part II: The Aircraft Mechanics School, Section II Part II” (University of Siegen 2019), for which she co-authored an introduction with Mike Lynch (“Harold Garfinkel's History of Gulfport Field 1942, Part II, The Aircraft Mechanics School: Mocking-up and Making-do in the Midst of Wartime Urgency”), and Toward a Sociological Theory of Information (2008).
Her publications on Race which report original research demonstrating the overall argument include Tacit Racism co-authored with Waverly Duck (University of Chicago, forthcoming), “Race as an Interaction Order Phenomena: W.E.B. Du Bois’ ‘Double Consciousness’ Thesis Revisited” (2000), “’Fractured Reflections’ of High Status Black Male Presentations of Self” (Sociological Focus first author with Waverly Duck, 2017), "Playing the Interrogation Game: Rapport, Coercion, and Confessions in Police Interrogations", Symbolic Interaction (2017, second author with Gary David and James Treinum), “Problems Establishing Identity/Residency in a City Neighborhood during a Black/White Police/Citizen Encounter: Revisiting Du Bois’ Conception of ‘The Submissive Man’”. City and Community (first author with Waverly Duck and Jason Turowetz, 2018).
- Social Interaction and Interaction Orders
- Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis
- Sociological Theory (Durkheim/Parsons/Goffman/Garfinkel)
- Epistemology and its Intersection with Sociological Theory and Practice Theory
- Inequalities of Race/Culture in Social Interaction
- Social Justice/Inequality and the need for Moral Reciprocity in Interaction
- Policing: Power and Inequality in Social Interaction
- History of Social Research: How Qualitative approaches to Praxeology got sidelined
- Information Technology and Information Systems
- The Social Self and the Presentation of Marginalized Identity
- Anne Rawls and Waverly Duck. Tacit Racism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- 2022 Oliver Cromwell Cox Book Award, Presented by the ASA Section on Race and Ethnic Minorities, Tacit Racism
- 2022 North Central Sociological Association, Book of the Year Award, Tacit Racism
- 2021 Mary Douglas Award for Best Book, Honorable Mention, Presented by the Culture Section, Tacit Racism
- 2021 Charles Horton Cooley, Book of the Year Award SSSI, Tacit Racism
- 2019 Anne Rawls and Emile Durkheim. La Division du Travail Revisited: Vers une Théorie Sociologique de la Justice. Translated by Francesco Callegaro and Philip Chanial. Paris: Le Bord de l’ Eau.
- Anne Rawls and Emile Durkheim. La Division du Travail Revisited: Vers une Théorie Sociologique de la Justice. Translated by Francesco Callegaro and Philip Chanial. Paris: Le Bord de l’ Eau.
Edited Books
- Anne Rawls, Kevin Whitehead and Waverly Duck, editors, Black Lives Matter: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Studies of Race and Systemic Racism in Everyday Interaction. Routledge (Taylor and Francis eBook).
Anne Rawls and Mike Lynch, editors, The History of Gulfport Field 1942, Volume II, Part II, a report written by Garfinkel for the Army Airforce in 1943, published by the University of Siegen.
Anne Rawls and Jason Turowetz, editors, Parsons’ Primer, by Harold Garfinkel, a manuscript written in 1962, Stuttgart: Springer.
Introductions to Books
- Anne Rawls, Kevin Whitehead and Waverly Duck 2020. Introduction to Black Lives Matter: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Studies of Race and Systemic Racism in Everyday Interaction. Taylor and Francis eBook.
- Anne Rawls and Mike Lynch, “Harold Garfinkel's History of Gulfport Field 1942, Part II, The Aircraft Mechanics School: Mocking-up and Making-do in the Midst of Wartime Urgency” (50 pages) introduction to The History of Gulfport Field 1942, Part II: The Aircraft Mechanics School, Section II Part II,” by Harold Garfinkel. Springer: Stuttgart.
- Anne Rawls and Jason Turowetz, “Introduction” (100 pages) to Parsons’ Primer, by Harold Garfinkel, a manuscript written in 1962. Springer: Stuttgart.
Journal Articles
- Anne Rawls and Waverly Duck. Racisme tacite et fantasme de la blanchité. Mauss Review 59.
- Anne Rawls. “Situating Goffman’s “Interaction Orders” in Durkheim’s Social Fact Lineage: Grounding an Alternate Sociology of Modernity in Heightened Awareness of Interaction.” Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa.
- Anne Rawls and Waverly Duck. “Tacit Racism is Institutionalized in Interaction in the US: What about Elsewhere?” Special Issue of Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften (Martin Zillinger ed.)
- Anne Rawls. “The Structure of Social Facts: Self, Objects and Action as Products of Reciprocity and Cooperation in Constitutive Practices.” Mauss Review International – Anti-Utilitarian Interventions in the Social Sciences, Number 1, pages 181-200.
- Jason Turowetz and Anne Rawls. “The Development of Garfinkel’s “Trust” Argument from 1947 to 1967: Demonstrating how Inequality Disrupts Sense and Self-Making.” Journal of Classical Sociology (21)1: 3-37.
- Anne Rawls. “La Theory of Justice d’Émile Durkheim selon Anne Rawls. Sur quelques bonnes raisons ne pas désespérer de la sociologie, » translated by Philippe Chanial. Revue du Mauss 2020/2 : pages 269-288.
- Waverly Duck and Anne Rawls. Interactional expectations reconfigure in the time of Covid-19 Implications for the uncertainty of social «reality». Etnografia Ricerca Qualitativa.
- Anne Rawls. “History of Sociology and the COVID-19 Crisis: Durkheim and Garfinkel. Timelines. Issue 29, Special Edition, the Newsletter of the ASA History of Sociology Section, May.
- Anne Rawls and David Gibson. “Presentation of Self in a Masked World” (Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis). Footnotes. Volume 48(3) May/June.
- Anne Rawls and with Jason Turowetz. “Discovering Culture” in Interaction: Solving Problems in Cultural Sociology by Recovering the Interactional Side of Parsons’ Conception of Culture”. The American Journal of Cultural Sociology.
- Anne Rawls. “Introduction to Garfinkel’s ‘Notes on Language Games’: Language events as Cultural Events in ‘Systems of Interaction’”. The European Journal of Social Theory. May. Also edited “Notes on language games as a source of methods for studying the formal properties of linguistic events”, by Garfinkel, an article written in 1960 and previously unpublished. The European Journal of Social Theory. May.
Special Issues about Tacit Racism
- Special Issue of the German Journal Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften (Martin Zillinger ed.) with a section of debate between six scholars about Tacit Racism and an original article and responses from Waverly Duck and myself, titled: “Tacit Racism is Institutionalized in Interaction in the US: What about Elsewhere?
Book Chapters
- Clemens Eisenmann and Anne Rawls. “Garfinkel’s Tutorial Problems and Embodied Practices: Ways of “Making the Phenomenon Available Again”” in Philippe Sormani and Dirk Vom Len (eds).
- Anne Rawls. Ethnomethodology as a Continuation and Critique of Durkheim’s Sociology.” My title was “Durkheim’s Tacit Conditions of Contract and Garfinkel’s Trust Conditions: the “Justice” Requirement in Modern Society”. The Oxford handbook of Emile Durkheim. Edited by Andreas Pettenkofer. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jason Turowetz and Anne Rawls. "Talcott Parsons and Harold Garfinkel: The Development of Culture as Interaction." In The Routledge International Handbook on Talcott Parsons Studies. Eds. Helmut Staubmann and Victor Lidz. London: Routledge.
- Anne Rawls. “Emile Durkheim”, in The Cambridge Companion to Durkheim, edited by George Ritzer.
- Anne Rawls. “Inequality is a Scientific Issue when the Technologies of Practice that Create Social Categories become Dependent on Justice in Modernity”. The Durkheim Category Project, Berghahn Books: Germany.
- Anne Rawls and Jason Turowetz. “Garfinkel’s Politics: Establishing the Social Fact Status of Race, Gender and other Social Identities and the Implications for Social Justice.” Special Issue of The American Sociologist (V. Lidz and Helmut Staubmann eds.).
- Elliott Hoey and Anne Rawls. “Harvey Sacks: Connections, References, Differences.” Goffman-Handbook, Life, Work, Reception.
- Anne Rawls. “Harold Garfinkel’s Focus on Racism, Inequality and Social Justice: The Early Years 1939-1952”, in Ethnomethodology: a Retrospective, edited by John Heritage and Doug Maynard. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Jason Turowetz and Anne Rawls. “The Other Interactionism.” Routledge International Handbook of Interactionism, eds. Dirk com Lehn, Natalia Ruiz-Junco, and Will Gibson. London: Routledge.
- Anne Rawls. “Durkheim’s Self-Regulating “Constitutive” Practices: An Unexplored Critical Relevance to Racial Justice, Consensus Thinking, and the Covid-19 Pandemic.” In Durkheim & Critique. Ed. Nicola Marcucci. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Anne Rawls. “Harold Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology”, in The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory, edited by Peter Kivisto. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.