Vesna Schierbaum studied Media Culture Studies and Art History at the University of Cologne. From 2020 to 2021, she worked there as a research assistant at the Chair of Cultures and Theories of the Popular under Prof. Dr. Stephan Packard. In her role as coordinator and editor, she was involved in the Grimme projects Fragmented Publics and Digital Souvereignty and supervised the two academic journals Medienobservationen and Mediale Kontrolle. She completed her Master's degree in Media Cultural Studies in 2021 with a thesis on discourses and aesthetics of collective intelligence in the work of Forensic Architecture. In 2022 she was a short-term fellow in the Integrated Research Training Group of the CRC Media of Cooperation in Siegen. From 2022 to 2024 she was a research assistant at the Research Training Group 2132 Das Dokumentarische. Excess and Withdrawal at the Ruhr University Bochum. Since 2024 she has been a research assistant at the Chair of Media Studies: Digital Media Culture in Bonn, where she works in the sub-project P04 "Precision Farming: Co-operative Practices of Virtual Fencing" in the context of the CRC Media of Cooperation (Siegen).
Vesna Schierbaum is doing her PhD on the media history of mobile sensing.
- Media history of mobile sensing and mobile sensor networks
- Infrastructure history of mobile networks
- Media history of crowd modeling and mobility management
- Imaginations of closed-loop sensing