- Digital Humanities, Social Sciences, Research Data
- Research Data Management (RDM)
- Technical Infrastructures for RDM (Tools, DMP)
- Working with Research Data, Digital Curation in Connection with Infrastructure Concepts for the Research relating to Co-operative Media
Two main motivations for the work at the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1187 with the support of the Centre of Media and Information Studies (ZIMT) are the following:
- “Good Scientific Practice” (Data Sharing and Sustainability) for the University of Siegen, NRW and beyond
- Information Infrastructure and Sustainable Research Data Management supporting “Media of Cooperation practices” in the long-term to further research practices in the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
“It can be a chore, but good research data management is like good dental hygiene. It’s healthy, attractive and makes people want to know you.” Laurence Horton, Data Librarian at the LSE (London School of Economics) “An important prerequisite for the success of research data management is the close cooperation between the scientists and the infrastructure facility of the institution concerned.” Annette Strauch, ZIMT, University of Siegen
- Strauch, Annette, “bwFLA — Landesweites Projekt: Forschungsdaten für die Ewigkeit”, Uni Ulm intern - das Ulmer Universitätsmagazin, Nr. 319 (42. Jg.), Dezember 2012 Autor / Hrsg. Baur.
- Von Suchodoletz Dirk, Rechert Klaus, Valizada Isgandar, Strauch Annette Emulation as an Alternative Preservation Strategy – Use-Cases, Tools and Lessons Learned 2013 NESTOR Workshop Langzeitarchivierung, INFORMATIK 2013, LNI/GI, Seiten: 592 - 606. http://files.dnb.de/nestor/edition/Sonderheft1-Informatik2013.pdf