Pip Hare worked as a camera assistant in the film industry before studying for her BA in social and cultural anthropology at the Freie Universität in Berlin with a semester abroad at North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU) in Shillong, Northeast India, supported by a DAAD scholarship.
She completed her MA in visual anthropology at the University of Manchester in 2014 and has made (ethnographic) documentary films in India, England, and Italy.
She has been conducting camera ethnographic research for the project “Early Childhood and Smartphone” in Germany, Austria, and India since 2016. She also translates and copy-edits academic texts.
Hare, Pip. 2023. “Feeling touched while doing camera ethnographic research.” In Mohn, Bina Elisabeth; Wiesemann, Jutta; Hare, Pip and Vogelpohl, Astrid. (Eds.) Berührung neu erfinden. Sinnespraktiken in digitalen Kindheiten. Ein Blicklabor an 10 kamera-ethnographischen Szenen/ Reinventing Touch. Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT. ISBN 25034-6
Hare, Pip. 2022. „Datafication Incarnate. Negative, Positive, Cyborgs, und Nationalitäten: wie es sich anfühlt, instabile Daten zu verkörpern“. Curare. Zeitschrift für Medizinethnologie (44 (2021)): 1-4. 114-117
- Hare, Pip. 2021. “Datafication incarnate. Negatives, positives, cyborgs, and nationalities: how it feels to embody unstable data”. Interface blog of the Collaborative Research Centre ‘Media of Cooperation’. 25.01.2021.
Hare, Pip. 2020. „Bilder hier und dort. Affektive und ethische Dimensionen meiner Forschung mit Kindern und Kameras“. In: Digitale Kindheiten, J. Wiesemann, C. Eisenmann, I. Fürtig, J. Lange und B. E. Mohn (Hg.), Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 217-230.
Hare, P., B. E. Mohn, A. Vogelpohl, A. und J. Wiesemann. 2019. Face to Face – Face to Screen: Early Childhood and Media. 24 camera ethnographic miniatures. LIT Book Series Camera Ethnography, Volume 1. LIT-Verlag: Berlin, Münster.
Mohn, B. E., P. Hare, A. Vogelpohl und J. Wiesemann. 2019. “Cooperation and Difference. Camera Ethnography in the Early Childhood and Smartphone Project”. In: Media in Action: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Cooperative Media.
Mohn, B. E., P. Hare, A, Vogelpohl und J. Wiesemann. 2018-2019. Exhibition “Das bist Du!” Frühe Kindheit digital (Siegerlandmuseum, Siegen, 26.09.2018 – 06.01.2019).
Encounters on Pianosa. 2015. Documentary film, HD, 42 mins.
Measuring Difference.2013. Documentary film, HD, 69 mins.